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發表於 2018-10-11 06:12:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Caught on surveillance camera tying up security guard A known felon was caught on security cameras tying up a security guard at Muneshwer’s Hardware store, Lot “E” Good Hope, East Coast Demerara, after a botched robbery yesterday.The burglar had visited the business place at Lot “E” Good Hope, East Coast Demerara, on Thursday, but only escaped with the guard’s bicycle then. However, his persistence landed him in the hands of the police after he was caught red handed with items he was removing from the business premises in the wee hours of Monday morning.The burglar who is a Lusignan resident will be charged this week.The bandit caught on camera tying up the security guard.According to Business proprietor,Fc Barcelona Tienda Espa?a, Muneshwer Persaud, who employs scores of people, he is pleased with the police reaction which ended up with the capture of the bandit.He explained that although he knew that the ex-employee had a criminal record and he spent years in prison, he does not discriminate with hiring him since he believes everyone should be given an opportunity to work. However, it appears that not everyone wants to change their nefarious ways.“Last Thursday the man tied his face and wore a cap, but his disguise did not work since he was known by the guard. The burglar then ordered the guard to help him with a piece of wood to beak a section of the concrete at the back of the building, but the guard refused,” Persaud explainedHe returned  to the front of the building and tied the guard up, Persaud said. The thief reportedly told the guard that he was going to return with more people. The burglar then took the guard’s bicycle and left but the guard managed to untie himself and inform his employer.“When I rushing down to the scene I saw the burglar with the guards bicycle on Buxton line top, but he escaped. The said night we went to the station with the guard and the next day we went and gave a statement to the police.”Nevertheless, Persaud said in the wee hours of Monday morning police eventually caught the burglar red handed while he was leaving the premises. “I hired another security guard who was also tied up that night but the other guard heard the commotion and called the police who caught the man red handed with valuables. The police have the stuff and him in custody.”Adding that for the year this is the fifth occasion that he has been robbed, Persaud said a stronger police presence is needed for the business community.

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