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發表於 2018-10-13 09:08:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Alliance For Change (AFC) does not believe that its work in the first session of the 10th Parliament could be described as insignificant or disappointing. As a matter of fact, the party, which has seven seats in the National Assembly, insists that it deliberately adopted a strategy of fighting for change, inside and outside of Parliament.The party was on Wednesday, last, responding to concerns expressed by chartered accountant and lawyer, Christopher Ram, earlier this week, over the performance of the combined opposition which comprises the AFC and A Partnership For National Unity (APNU). Combined, the parties have 33 seats, one more than the governing People’s Progressive Party.AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes (second from left) makes a point at Wednesday’s press conference as Public Relations Officer Beverley Alert, Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo and Region Eight Chairman, Mark Crawford listen attentivelyRam opined that the opposition parties’ performance was disappointing, particularly from the perspective of the number of bills that they presented. In total, government tabled 20 while APNU had one.According to AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, Ram’s statements should not be seen as criticisms, but as reflective of frustrations in the society.“The AFC sees its parliamentary function as one of change. An integral part of the party’s strategy is its engagement with grassroots Guyanese. November 28th (2011) brought high expectations, including that the Opposition would use its one-seat majority to stymie the government,” Nagamootoo said.He added: “While there were expectations that the party would hold true to political behaviour of exposure, opposition and deposing of the government, the reality is that within the last few months, exposure of government’s programmes and corruption have been unprecedented.For the first time, there is such consistent exposure with regards to corruption and we are unrelenting, uncompromising…in the struggle to erase the corruption from the regime.”“One can also judge the opposition’s work from the questions asked and the way we voted,” Nagamootoo pointed out.These developments, he insisted, must be seen as part of the “general struggle”.The AFC also pointed out that it is cognizant of President Donald Ramotar’s statement that he will not be assenting to any opposition-tabled bill unless it is with the full agreement and involvement of the Executive.The party cited a recent case – the refusal by the President to acknowledge a no-confidence vote by the opposition against Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee. The party has indicated that it will refuse to acknowledge Mr. Rohee as the Minister.Nagamootoo stressed that another challenge facing the opposition is “the absence of drafters of Bills”.“While Mr. Ram had indicated that there are qualified persons, it is a difficult thing to find someone willing. Government is refusing to help the opposition by making available drafters.People expect more and want the opposition to be more strident.”The AFC is aiming to deal with the Telecommunications Bill 2012, which would open up the sector. The Bill was postponed during the last Parliament and shortly before elections, after government said it had to make some last-minute adjustments.The party does not rule out the possibilities of anti-corruption legislation. The AFC and APNU have reportedly met to plot their agenda for the coming sessions of the National Assembly.Meanwhile, AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes said that Ram’s criticisms must be seen as fair and constructive. However, he stressed that the tabling of motions should not be seen in light of how many are being tabled,Nike Schuhe Neu Damen, but by their quality.“We would expect that if you judge us; judge us on the basis of the bills presented,” Hughes asserted.On the issue of whether the National Assembly should rethink the length of its recess, Nagamootoo, while not against it, pointed out that Parliamentarians during the last sessions had worked up to midnight in some instances and several weekdays. He also said that he is not aware of any parliament which works without a recess.The National Assembly recent recess was nine weeks in duration. It ended yesterday.Also at Wednesday’s press conference at the Sidewalk Café were AFC’s Public Relations Officer, Beverley Alert, and Region Eight Chairman, Mark Crawford.

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