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– as Deepavali is celebratedAs Deepavali, commonly known as Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated today, an urgent call is being made for Hindu brothers and sisters in Guyana and across the globe to renew their commitment to think of the less fortunate individuals,Cheap Shoes Online Australia Free Shipping, especially those that are sick and abused.This notion was emphasised by Pandit Suresh Sugrim of the New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Incorporated.The Humanitarian Mission also has a Guyana Chapter which has been rendering regular assistance to various local organisations.According to Pandit Sugrim, as a significant event in the Hindu religious calendar, Diwali serves as an occasion to celebrate prosperity and spreads the light of wisdom.“It symbolises victory of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance and prayer for hope and optimism; expressing the highest desires of mankind and wishes one and all joy,Cristiano Ronaldo Maglia Juve Originale, happiness and peace and for us as Hindus to recognise its utmost significance with devotion.”Pandit Sugrim noted that despite the diversity in the Hindu rituals, practices and beliefs, Diwali is truly intended to bind people together.According to him,Cheap Nike NBA Jerseys, the occasion symbolises the triumph of light over darkness and is a time when people are brought together to strengthen the hand of goodwill across religions, races and creed.The Diwali Festival therefore brings a message of unity and it is a time for families and communities to come together, engaging in meaningful dialogue and a demonstration of shared respect,Chaussure Jordan Pas Cher Femme, regardless of the difference in faith and beliefs.“In celebrating the triumph of light over darkness, Diwali compels people to reflect on the importance of knowledge over ignorance and invites them to apply this message in their personal and public lives. “I urge all Hindus to assist in lighting the lamp (diya) of divine knowledge and to dispel ignorance and darkness from our personalities such as hate, jealousy, malice, anger and pride. On this Diwali I encourage harmony and peace among the different cultures and promote collaborative action to make our society a better place where everyone respects religious freedom and live in peace and harmony.”In an attempt to be a unifying force,Basket Jordan Junior Soldes, the devotions during Diwali will seek to encourage greater unity, amity and understanding, Pandit Sugrim noted. He anticipates that should his appeal be adhered to, there could be a significant reduction in human suffering.“On this auspicious occasion of Diwali,Nike Basketball Shoes Clearance Sale, let us pray for our leaders that they will confront the many challenges that are currently abounding in the society.And even as Diwali is celebrated, Pandit Sugrim prays that Maha Lakshmi “brings the true wealth of peace, health, happiness, and love for all of God’s creation.May the spirit of Diwali extinguish any darkness in every human personality and illuminate their souls with the light of God.Let us all burn like Diyas – Giving light and life to others,Nike Air Max 1 Suomi, and then we can truly say that we are celebrating the festival of Light,” he asserted.

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