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發表於 2018-10-13 17:08:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Opposition was most disappointed on Thursday night after Government refused to support one of its motions which called for compensation for victims of 2015 Elections Day violence. Bringing the motion to the House was Opposition Member,Liverpool FC Store UK, Joseph Hamilton.Hamilton made it clear that he is not saying that any political party was responsible for the violence which erupted during that time. He emphasized that the thrust of his motion is to hammer home the point that those who suffered during that period deserve to be compensated.His motion raised the point that Elections Day violence occurred on May 11, 2015 and reports of incidents in that regard were made to the Guyana Police Force and to the public. The Opposition Member said that the victims were, among other things, psychologically abused, physically assaulted, robbed and their properties damaged and destroyed.Hamilton told the House that Elections Day violence also took place at a number of polling stations on East Coast Demerara and Georgetown. In one instance, a victim required expensive emergency surgery and vehicles on the scene were damaged.In another instance, he said that Elections Day violence occurred in “C” Field, Sophia where for over 12 hours the Guyana Police Force was unable to control a riotous crowd that encircled two homes, terrorized residents, fire bombed the homes and vehicles and engaged in looting of personal property.He said that the survivors were left traumatized and their properties, including eight vehicles were destroyed by arson, two vehicles vandalized and two homes looted and damaged.The Opposition Member said that representation was made to the Government by the affected Sophia victims several months ago. That ended in them failing to obtain relief. He called for the National Assembly to ensure that the Government complies with the principle of respect for human life and make available, compensation for victims of specified forms of Election Day violence as occurred on May 11, 2015.He also emphasized the fact that it cannot be underestimated how these circumstances have affected the victims and said that it is important for the House to agree that compensation for those persons cannot be treated as a trivial matter.His motion also called for the Government to agree to meet and consult the victims of Elections Day violence and to have claims for compensation addressed as soon as possible, and submit a Report to the National Assembly within three months with regard to what action has been taken.Speakers on the Government’s side of the House disagreed with the merit of Hamilton’s arguments. They made it clear that it would not be supported. This was also demonstrated when the motion was put to a vote.The Government’s side gave a resounding, “No” when House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland asked for those who opposed it.When the motion was not passed, members on the western side of the House expressed their disappointment. They stated that it reflects just how callous the administration is. The members of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) also told Kaieteur News that the matter, like others raised on Thursday, shows that “the government is simply drunk with power and opposes input from the Opposition even if a case has merit. They just don’t want us to have anything in the House. We are clearly witnessing the death of democracy in the Eleventh Parliament.”

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