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發表於 2017-1-10 03:55:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dynamic Hydrofab established in 1997, a proprietorship firm owned by P S Bajwa having its Plant at 629, Sector 37, Pace City II Gurgaon (Hr). INDIA-122001 is a   reputed organization believes in quality service and products. Dynamic Hydrofab has specialized in making Hydraulic cylinders for more than 7 years. From the beginning, quality has been our main goal. Now we are one of the most professional Manufacturers & Exporters in this field. Our products include Heavy-duty Double action Hydraulic Cylinder (Industrial type), Hydraulic Cylinder (Automobile), multistage / telescopic Double Action Hydraulic cylinder, Truck tipping, AC/DC Power Pack and Hydraulic Presses.
Firm starts with a small budget, in these years’ endeavours by developing our profile, we are not only successful in the Indian market, but also enjoy strong sales and a good reputation in abroad (Australia, Europe and Africa). Providing high efficiency and high output, top quality and competitive price is still our consistent aim to customer. We also supply our product to meet your production requirement. Your right choice and satisfaction are always our succession.
Production capacity of hydraulic cylinder in all different sizes and designs is 300 nos per month at present. These cylinders are supplied to OEMs and end users.
Dynamic Hydrofab started manufacturing tipping cylinders for dumper in 2001 and successfully supplying to OEMs. Range of tipping cylinder is from 5 ton payload to 50 tons payload for under body and front end tipper,Nike Cowboys #88 Michael Irvin White 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey.
Dynamic Hydrofab have its production facility at easily approachable place in the industrial belt of Samaipur Badli in north of Delhi.
Dynamic Hydrofab now started manufacturing of Hydraulic Broaching machines Pull and Push type broach.
Infrastructure is the mainstay
Dynamic Hydrofab have well qualifies staff. We have a state of art production facility, equipped with technically advanced machines and equipment. The machines are regularly serviced and maintained, to ensure efficient and flawless production. The machines are manned by personnel who are well trained and experienced in their field of activity
To provide high quality products and value for money, in every segment of the market/ customers, we cater to We are, and will continue to be, a Customer Oriented Organization, accommodating customer requests and addressing their complaints with minimum ado, based on the principle of trust, and to continually improve our products/ processes/ systems, with a view to ensure total customer delight.
We will attain Quality by:
Minimizing Defects/ Rejects and ultimately reach a Zero Defects Stage.
Quality Control, Primarily Through the principle of Self Inspection.
Ensuring that the output of one stage/ process does not pass to the next stage/ process unless and until it meets the requirements of that stage.
Employee participation,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, involvement, development and satisfaction.
Continual improvements in Quality, Environment,Cheap New York Rangers Jerseys, Health & Safety Management Systems.
Our Aim: 
To adopt Environmental management System for achieving excellence and portrait as a Model industry in environmental control to others with the involvement of its entire working people.
Our Policy:
Dynamic Hydrofab is committed to a clean and healthy environment.
We will comply with all applicable Indian environmental laws and regulations as specified by the Central and state regulatory bodies and shall prevent elements of pollution through appropriate means like material substitution, recycling and process modifications.
We shall control emissions, spillages, wastes & save energy from our various operations and shall periodically set and review the environmental objectives and targets for continual improvements.

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