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發表於 2018-10-15 06:29:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Independent Candidate, Ras Leon SaulContesting at the Local Government Elections (LGEs), representing Healing the Nation Theocracy Party (HTNTP), is Culturalist/ Writer/Director/Producer and Publisher, Ras Leon Saul.He will be contesting Councillorship for Constituency Number Four – Lamaha Gardens, Bel Air Park, Campbellville, Section “K” Campbellville and Newtown.Saul is the General Secretary of the HTNTP; Past President of the Guyana Rastafari Council; and Secretary of the Guyana Reparation Committee.He served as an Information Officer with the Guyana Information Service (GIS) in the Ministry of Information & Culture from 1972 to 1976, then a Senior Reporter for the Chronicle newspaper at the Guyana National Newspapers Ltd. from 1977 to 1981.Saul was also part of several volunteer programmes at the Toronto community radio station CIUT 89.5 FM, and the community organization – Tropicana Services in Scarborough.He also volunteered at the Marcus Garvey Centre for Leadership & Education and the Black Economic Empowerment Foundation of Canada (BEEFCAN) as Editor-in-Chief of the monthly news magazine – BeefCan News.Saul is no stranger to the political arena since his party contested in the General Elections which was held in May last year.“Social cohesion starts in the home; in the community before spreading to the wider society,Curry 1 Lux Mid Leather,” Saul emphasised during a recent interview.Independent Candidate of Constituency# Four, Ras Leon Saul.“Therefore, we will be utilizing the “cultural platform” to promote this necessary development of our people. Many are living in pockets of insularity and islands of individualism.”Saul said that this must change; change to a culture of “good neighbourliness”.This, he said,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Free Shipping, will also help to erase seeming disparities between the “haves and the have nots”; the rich and the poor and the ignorant and literate.”“As a Councillor, I will champion the cause of equal rights and justice and the eradication of inequities in our constituency,”Saul also touched on various issues such as zoning, the enforcement of by-laws, property taxes and capacity building to enhance the role of citizens, more particularly, the youths.“We have got to protect our property values by ensuring proper zoning and enforcement of by-laws, while at the same time, understanding the need for a revamp of property taxes, plus general rates and taxes.”“These would help with the expansion of the City Council’s revenue base… This is vital for the Municipality’s continued provision of quality services to citizens.”Saul stated that as a Councillor, he will push for “better” urban planning for future development, such as the Sheriff Street Expansion Project running through the heart of Constituency 4, which he said, will affect,Cheap Shoes Australia Mens, “hopefully for the better”, many businesses in his constituency.“Many systems and policies in the various departments at City Hall will have to be re-examined and modernized. There is also a definite need for the development of facilities; buildings for Community Centres and play grounds to support extra-curricular activities such as cultural and sports pursuits for the youths, and even our senior citizens in the constituency”Saul said that he will strive to provide quality representation and servant leadership in the Constituency and will be in the forefront of many green initiatives such as recycling, environmental protection,Air Max Pas Chere Homme, and the cleaning of drains and weeding of bushes.“Residents of Constituency 4 are also sorely in need of more regular maintenance services,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, better security patrols with more street lighting and proper supervision of the assets. In general, I will also champion a more efficient and effective transportation grid around the city and the holistic provision of public sanitation facilities throughout the city will be addressed.”A “Constituency Council” is also on the cards, Saul said. This council, he explained,Air Max 1 Ireland, will comprise at least two representatives each from Lamaha Gardens, Bel Air Park, Campbellville, Section “K” Campbellville and Newtown.He continued that through community consultation, measures can be put in place for community renewal or “a renaissance of community civic pride, spirit and cooperative action with love.”“A new voice and fresh start in doing more for (Constituency Number) 4”,Cheap Air Max 270 Mens, is our motto and the HTNTP is committed to doing such. A healthy nation builds a wealthy economy – no more poverty!” Saul said in conclusion.

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