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發表於 2018-10-15 11:02:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…killing occurred hours after victim’s release from police custody Relatives of Kellon Hinds, the man gunned down on Monday night, are adamant that he was the victim of a long-running vendetta.Hinds, 23, called ‘Baje’, was riddled with bullets after three gunmen cornered him in a yard in East Ruimveldt.Police and relatives confirmed, yesterday, that Hinds was slain just a few hours after he was released from custody. He was the prime suspect in the murder of Sherwyn Barrow, 24, who was slain execution-style last May in ‘Warlock’, East Ruimveldt.Barrow was charged in 2014 for shooting and also robbing Hinds, but that case was dismissed a few months ago because Hinds failed to testify.Police are working on the theory that Hinds was slain as retaliation for Sherwyn Barrow’s death. An official confirmed that police are trying to locate a close relative of Barrow’s, who was allegedly identified as one of the gunmen who killed Hinds.Some of Kellon Hinds’s close relatives said that a feud started between Hinds and relatives of Barrow after the men robbed Hinds of a chain valued at $1.2M. That incident happened in June 2014.“When he got robbed he identified one of the robbers as Sherwyn Barrow and then they started having major issues and they went to court,” a cousin recalled.That matter went all the way to court but because threats were made on Hinds’ life and that of his family he opted to not attend court.“He tell we he ain’t going to court because them said that they will kill he and Kellon say dem was going to shoot up we family,” Charlene Best, his distraught aunt related yesterday.But the feud escalated on May 6, when Sherwyn Barrow, the man accused of robbing Hinds, was killed in a drive-by shooting in ‘Warlock.’“Is when this happen then this thing get more serious, because they start say how Kellon kill Sherwyn Barrow and dem will kill he and he whole family.”The aunt said that Hinds went to Suriname, but individuals linked to the slain Barrow often threatened and even fired shots at their home on several occasions.Hinds who returned to Guyana one week ago, was arrested the following day for Barrow’s murder. He was released last Monday on $40,000 station bail.His cousin, Melanie Garraway, said after his release, Hinds went home and later sat on a bench outside his home, located in a squatting area near Phase Two, East Ruimveldt.At around 21.10 hrs, shots rang out and screams for help were heard.Minutes later when the gunfire subsided, Kellon Hinds, lay bleeding profusely from bullet wounds to his abdomen, head, neck and face. Some individuals identified the shooters as being close associates of the slain Sherwyn Barrow.They said the victim, who has a daughter, was ambushed outside his gate.“When he get knock he run in the yard and fall down by the pipe then he run to the back and them had two who ambush he there, stand up over he and fire some more shots.”“Them brothers came and shoot up here a few times before and say that they will kill he and finally they did,Nike Schuhe Schweiz Outlet,” the slain man’s aunt said.The execution-style killing has pushed this year’s homicide to 103 in eight months. It is the 17th such murder. Police had reported a 100 percent increase in execution killings up to the end of last July, in comparison with the same period last year.Hinds’s murder came just hours before the beginning of Government’s one-month amnesty aimed at reducing the number of illegal firearms from the streets.

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