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– AFC says wait for PPC  By Abena Rockcliffe Considering recent exposés about the “ghost company” with which the government partnered to build a recycling plant,Nike Bengals #77 Andrew Whitworth White Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, the Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling for a halt in the process to find a replacement, until the Public Procurement Commission PPC becomes operational. The AFC said it is taking this position so as to avert a recurrence of the ‘ghost company’ fiasco.Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Robert PersaudThe Government on Wednesday announced that it is looking for eligible service providers,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, including individuals or agencies, to express their interest to build, transfer, and operate a Solid Waste Recycling Plant, through a public/private partnership agreement. This new announcement follows the government’s recent decision to abandon a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which was signed by the Local Government Ministry and Natural Globe Inc, an artificial company that was once “foreign,” but was found out to be local.Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon had stated that that decision to shelve the deal with Natural Globe Inc. was in the wake of the media revelations about the company.AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, is proposing that the process be halted until a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) is implemented to secure scrutiny and authenticity.This call from the AFC was made on Thursday. But the following day, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Robert Persaud noted the importance government places on ensuring Guyana has a recycling facility.An optimistic Persaud told those that attended an Environmental Group Workshop, that the problem facing Guyana with regards to solid waste disposal can be adequately addressed.  Unfortunately, the main solution he proposed was not one that is nearly in place; nor does it seem like it will anytime soon. Persaud’s solution is a recycling plant.He said that a recycling facility will make the big difference as once “we are able to commoditize or put a value to garbage, the problem is nearly solved.”But even though the AFC has recognized this, the party is just not willing to take a risk at another “shady” deal. Ramjattan,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, at a recent Press Conference,Cheap New York Rangers Jerseys, said that it is best for the country to wait another month or so for the Procurement Commission before bids are reopened.While Ramjattan expressed concern about those legitimate or “genuine” submissions to build the plant, he said that it seems as if the government is not capable of handling the process. “So it is best we wait,Cheap Authentic Jerseys,” he said.AFC Leader, Khemraj RamjattanRamjattan and his party are hoping to have the PPC up and running by February and are willing to support a supplementary provision to secure sums for the Commission to function.But the government wants all applications to be sealed and delivered no later than Friday December 27, 2013, at 15:30 hrs.When the MoU between the Local Government Ministry and Natural Globe Inc. was first announced, Guyanese were told that it was a Canadian Company. Searches for the Canadian-registered company proved futile. It was later learnt that the Company was in fact registered in Guyana only three months ago although the proposal for the project was submitted 14 months ago.Natural Globe Inc. is run by Mohamed Osman.When Kaieteur News first began questioning the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the ‘Ghost Company’, the Ministry of Local Government lashed out saying that it wished “to clarify the misrepresented, misinformed and mischievous statements published by media houses which seek to confuse and communicate incorrect messages to the public on the recent signing of the MoU for the establishment of recycling plant in Guyana.”The Ministry said that the company is owned and operated by a Guyanese entrepreneur who resides in Canada and is in the process of becoming a re-migrant resident.“This company is also a local consultancy firm that provides integrated solutions for sustainable development in the fields of solid waste management and specializes in operations in the environmental sector,Cheap New York Mets Jerseys,” the Ministry had said.Osman, during an interview with this publication had said that the US$30M required for the project was already in place and that the company was just awaiting word from Government to go ahead. Asked to identify the investors,Nike Panthers #70 Trai Turner Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, he said that he and a partner would be putting US$15M each.

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