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發表於 2017-1-10 13:45:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Music loops are no secret to anyone in the music business. From the solo guitarist playing Van Morrison’s greatest hits at the local bar on Friday night,Wholesale Jerseys, to the biggest stars filling arenas around the world, musicians and their technical teams have been making use of these musical snippets for years. Looped music, or pieces of music that repeat at various, specifically selected times during a song,Wholesale New York Yankees Jerseys, can add texture, depth and character to song while also giving a musician freedom to perform one part of a song while the looped section drives the background sounds. In fact, there are few if any limits to the ways in which a music loop can be fused into a song or performance. From mere sound effects to full-blown rhythm sections, if you can imagine and hear a sound or rhythm, you can reproduce it in a music loop. The misconception that music loops are used mainly by musicians that lack a more complete skill and talent set to get the job done has never been valid and is even less so now. Artists from The Beatles and Frank Zappa to Les Paul and classic musician Terry Riley have used music loops to get the sound they hear in their heads into our heads.
Music loops can help to ignite a creative fire in an aspiring musician that was perhaps only smoldering before their discovery of this technology. For the singer/songwriter, music loops are a great way to add layers of sound and color to a song still in its initial stage of development. You might have great lyrics and a simple sound to move them along but hardly a professional product. At this point in the writing process music loops can act as an accompanying musician while cutting and piecing bits of different loops can spark your own musical imagination and help you come up with the rhythm and beat for your killer lyrics.
Another tremendous use of music loops is substituting them for a drum machine. There’s nothing wrong with using a drum machine, but the sheer number of drum tracks that you can pick, chose and piece-together from music loops is vastly greater and easier to use for the aspiring recording artist than a drum machine. The combinations of drum beats to be found in music loop libraries are nearly endless and can be access and incorporated into your song in mere minutes.
Let’s face it, few musicians and/or recording professionals are skilled enough with every instrument to lay down proper music tracks. Music loops are an indispensible tool in this regard in that you can find the right loop from a music loop library that was previously recorded by a top-notch musician, to say nothing of the fact that he or she probably recorded the sound sample on a super-fine instrument using the best recording equipment in the business.
Loops being distributed by the top companies in the business have all been produced and recorded using instruments and processing equipment that is state-of-the-art, and more often than not, outside of the budget of many aspiring musical artists. Therefore, using these loops in your own recordings and performances can add a level of professional sound that most artists could never afford on their own.     
The benefits of using music loops are almost as endless as are the loops themselves. From increasing your music output to beefing-up the quality of this output, music loops can be used more ways than the 1/4/5 chords are mixed and matched in rock tunes. They have become an essential tool for both aspiring musicians as well as professional recording artists and producers. So go ahead,Cheap Jerseys From China, add a loop and watch your music soar to the next level.
To know more about Music Loops please browse Music Loops

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