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Ultra Violet i,Wholesale MLB Jerseys.e. in short UV Rays are electromagnetic radiations having wavelengths between 10 and 400 nanometers. Humans can see lights in the wavelength range of 390 and 750 nanometers. The UV rays are therefore invisible to humans though some insects and birds can see them. UV rays can cause fluorescent materials to glow which can be detected by the human eye.
Ultra Violet light has been used in many applications. Some of these applications are discussed as follows:
• UV Coatings- UV Coating is a surface treatment which makes the surface hardened. It also protects the exposed material from its harmful effects. Common example of UV coatings is found in the manufacture of paper, wood, glass and plastics. UV Curable coatings have revolutionized glass, wood and plastic industries by imparting a number of desirable properties conveniently.
• For exposing some substances to UV radiation, UV chambers are used. These chambers enable UV curing to be performed without causing any harmful effect to humans. These UV chambers are user safe, self contained and can provide radiation on a selectable time frame. The UV chambers generally have a programmable digital timer,Wholesale Cincinnati Reds Jerseys, power down mode and an audio indicator for completion of exposure. It has a rotating turntable with inner walls specially coated for uniform light distribution. Typical applications of this type of UV chamber is in medical device assembly and electronics.
• UV flashlights have many applications in today’s world. These are used by the army and police to detect blood and organic materials. Explosives are detected by these UV lights. They are also used to detect counterfeit notes. The flashlight uses bulbs producing short and concentrated UV light. This enables small particles to be seen by illuminating them. In forensic applications, UV flashlight is of great assistance.
• UV curing bulbs have a great application for curing gel nails. Generally there are 2 types of gel nails. One type that cures with UV light and one that cures without it. The gel nails which cure under light are supposed to be the best. These gel nails look more attractive, last longer and have a better finish. You need the right type of UV bulb to do a perfect job. The UV light completely cures the product on the nail.
• UV bulb replacement is a job necessary to select the right bulb. The bulb should be purchased from a reputed manufacturer. If required for use in U.S.A, the bulb needs to be 110 Volt rating. If used in Europe, the rating has to be 220 Volt. You have to be careful about your UV Bulb replacement. A bulb with low wattage of say 9 watts would be unsuitable for curing. Instead of wattage of 24 to 36 could prove suitable. If you choose 36 watts each, you have to buy 4 bulbs of 9 watts each. You have to invest in the bulb wisely to produce the right result.
UV Coating by Spdiuv Click Here for more information about. UV Coatings,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, UV Curable Coatings.

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