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發表於 2017-1-10 17:24:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An inquiry into the recently released Auditor General Report that highlighted major financial improprieties at City Hall is expected to be fast-tracked with the swearing in of appointed Commissioner of Inquiry, Mr Keith Burrowes.Mr Burrowes was sworn-in yesterday at a simple ceremony at the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development by Ms Shirley Edwards, a Justice of the Peace, in the presence of Minister Kellawan Lall, Mr Clinton Collymore and supporting members of the committee.Among the named members of the committee are Secretary – Mr Puran Persaud; Representatives of City Hall,Wildcats #4 Rajon Rondo Blue Basketball Stitched NCAA Jersey, Mr Ranwell Jordan, Mrs Patricia Chase-Green and Mr Premchand Dass; Trade Unionist, Mr Andrew Hicks; and Mr Brijlall Rampersaud representing the Local Government Ministry. A representative of the Ministry of Finance is yet to be named.According to Minister Lall, he has acted in accordance with the law to appoint Mr Burrowes as Commissioner even as he noted that the appointment of the members were based on much negotiations followed by a collective decision.Essentially the Minister said that it is expected that the committee will peruse the report of the Auditor General of the City Municipality of 2007 in order to derive reasonable recommendations through a fair and honest manner.He said that yesterday’s move is in accordance with a resolution which requested that he set up an inquiry commission to look into irregularities identified in the report as it relates to a number of areas in the municipal administration.Among these areas, the Minister said, are the Office of the Town Clerk and the Office of the City Treasurer, loans to members of staff and others, advances in salaries to members of staff, irregularities in rate collections,Nike Texans #17 Brock Osweiler White Womens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, municipal bank accounts in commercial banks,Flyers #53 Shayne Gostisbehere Orange Stitched NHL Jersey, and restricting municipal departments and operations.Additionally, the inquiry will serve to pronounce on the culpability,Wholesale Los Angeles Lakers Jerseys, if any,Nike Broncos #6 Mark Sanchez Blue Alternate Womens Stitched NFL New Elite Jersey, of the Town Clerk and the City Treasurer and to make recommendations to the Minister in all the matters inquired into.The Town Clerk and the City Treasurer were sent on administrative leave by the Minister based on a request by the City Council.According to Minister Lall, the appointed Committee will in essence have the authority as if it is a court while Mr Burrowes can act in accordance to the law as if he is a judge,Manchester United #39 Rashford White Away Soccer Club Jersey, even as he is allowed the privilege to seek assistance from other persons and organisations to obtain evidence and information which he deems suitable to assist the process.However, the Minister cautioned the members of the committee to carry out the process with little controversy and to act in a fair, honest manner even as he urged them not to have personal interest but rather work on actual facts and findings.He cautioned further that the matter should be viewed as a very serious one since it involves the governance of the major municipal government in the country.He noted that the inquiry into the matter is one that the public would expect would result in making the service of the municipality better and more efficient, which in fact is the ultimate aim of the process.Burrowes in brief remarks said that though he had initial reservations about taking up the role as Commissioner due to his own schedule, he intends to ensure that it is conducted in a most professional manner.He said that he will work towards making the process one that is fair and honest,Blackhawks #72 Artemi Panarin Black Stitched NHL Jersey, and one that is void of biasness.Burrowes said that although there may be some disagreements among members of the committee, he expects that he will be able to work satisfactorily with them towards the common goal of bettering the service of the municipality.He assured the Minister that he would be updating him of the progress of the process.Following the ceremony, the Commissioner and the members met for the first time and discussed the way forward.After the completion of the inquiry, the Minister will then be tasked with making the ultimate decision.

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