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ED Belfour Jersey 50rtkkog









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發表於 2017-1-10 18:03:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Anthony Primo was yesterday denied bail and remanded to prison after making a court appearance before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton,Adriano Barcelona Jersey, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.It was alleged that the accused on February 28,Ibrahim Afellay Jersey, last, armed with a gun, robbed Safraz Bacchus of a quantity of gold jewellery valuing $1.2M. He was not required to plead to the indictable offence. Police Prosecutor Robert Clement objected to bail and asked for the defendant to be remanded.The prosecutor also stated that the date for a statement should be fixed, where the Administration of Justice Act can be applied.The application was granted by the magistrate. The defendant proceeded to tell the magistrate that he was kept in the lock-ups for six days.“Your worship is six days they keep me before they bring me to court.” He further contended that the police “had enough days to write statements”.Primo was also of the opinion that the identification parade which was done by the police was not authentic and he was being victimized because he had prior brushes with the law.The magistrate then instructed Primo that he should seek the services of a lawyer who would fight his case.The defendant told the magistrate that he was not financially stable to do something like that. Magistrate Octive-Hamilton told him that there are other options available such as Legal Aid.Bail was denied and the accused is expected to make another court appearance on June 29.And 20-year-old Ryan Paul,Erick Pulgar Jersey, of Herstelling New Scheme,Jorge Valdivia Chile Jersey, was also remanded to prison on a charge of felonious wounding when he appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.It was alleged that the accused on June 5,Pablo Hernandez Jersey, at Herstelling,Gary Medel Jersey, unlawfully and maliciously wounded Roman Daniels with the intent to maim,Douglas Barcelona Jersey, disfigure or cause grievous bodily harm. Paul pleaded not guilty. He was represented by attorney at law Debra Kumar.According to the lawyer,Ivan Luis Zamorano Jersey, Paul has an unblemished record prior to this incident. She further stated that unlike her client the virtual complainant in the matter is known to the police. Kumar also noted that the defendant was kept beyond the legal stipulated time for detention.The VC who was present in court said that on the day in question he was walking through the street in which Paul lives when he was attacked.Daniels told the court that the incident stemmed from an altercation he and the defendant’s uncle had two weeks ago. He also alleges that Paul threatened him a gun after the dispute.He also said that Paul saw him one time and began cursing, before running out of his house with a chopper in his hands. He said that he had to seek refuge in another residence.Police prosecutor Seetaram objected to bail and told the court that both the defendant and virtual complainant live in the same street.The prosecutor said that the defendant had threatened the virtual complainant,Martin Montoya Jersey, and there is the likelihood that something worse may happen if bail is granted. He also asked for the matter to be transferred to the Providence Magistrate’s Court.The defence counsel interjected and told the court that the offence is a bailable one. She said that injuries which Daniels sustained are not life threatening also noting that there is no proof that her client had made threats against Daniels.Bail was nevertheless denied and Paul is expected to make another appearance today before Magistrate Priya Beharry at Providence.

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