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NEW AMSTERDAM,Jonas Valanciunas Raptors Jersey, BERBICE – In honour of the late Mukeshwar Seelall,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, a transmission operator at the Berbice Operation of the National Communication Network (NCN),John Stockton Team USA Jersey, the Management and Board of Directors of NCN launched the Mukeshwar Seelall Memorial Under-15 Cricket Competition.Mukeshwar SewlallTwenty-three year old Mukeshwar Sewlall of Gangaram Settlement in East Canje was killed in April after being involved in an accident on the East Canje Public Road. At the time he was riding his motorcycle on his way to work about 22:30 hours where he was expected to work the night shift. He was accompanied by pillion rider 23-year old Latchman Singh of Canefield in East Canje. In the vicinity of the Rose Hall Estate Staff Compound,Magic Johnson Team USA Jersey, a pick-up,Aaron Gordon Magic Jersey, which was heading in the opposite direction, allegedly swerved across the road and collided with Mukeshwar Sewlall and his pillion rider.Mukeshwar Sewlall began working at the Berbice Operations three years ago and was said to be a dedicated worker who was always willing to go beyond the call of duty. He had also won the 2009 Worker of the Year Award for the Berbice Operations of NCN.Station Co-ordinator of the National Communication Network’s Berbice Operation,David Robinson Team USA Jersey, Faizal Jaffarally said it was his idea to posthumously recognise his employee.“So that his memory can live on and at the same time we are using the opportunity to identify upcoming Under 15 cricketers in Berbice.”According to him,Christian Laettner Team USA Jersey, Seelall was a sports fanatic and was actively involved in cricket.The Mukeshwar Seelall Memorial Under-15 Cricket Competition was first held in May this year and saw Central Corentyne crushing West Berbice.The event would be an annual one and was organised by the Berbice Cricket Board of Control. Six zones had competed for the coveted Mukeshwar Seelall Memorial Trophy. It carried a $170,000 sponsorship and each player was given a scientific calculator. According to Mr. Jaffarally, more finance would be pumped into the event next year.He noted that based on the agreement between the NCN and the Berbice Cricket Board of Control,Stephon Marbury Team USA Jersey, players would not receive financial incentives,LeBron James Team USA Jersey, instead educational supplies would be given to promote the importance of education.

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