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Maglietta Juventus Bambino t5hwe5d1









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發表於 2018-11-4 19:03:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Neil Marks I want an Abhishek dude!And no, it’s not what you might be thinking. So what if Abhishek Bachchan is my favourite Bollywood actor?Actually, Abhishek Dude is one of the hair and beauty packages Nayelli’s is offering to guys getting married.The package could include a turmeric massage, a hairstyle, a facial,Fc Bayern Trikot G��nstig, a manicure and pedicure. It’s to make sure, that like the ladies, the guys “glow” on their wedding day.‘Oh, I can also get a Brad Hunk, a Trump Ace or a Prince Charming,’ proprietress Nayelli says.For the ladies, she offers Caribbean Queen or Royal Highness. If you’re going together as a couple, you can choose from the Bollywood Splash to Heart and Soul.Nayelli’s is one of those entities that decided to take advantage of the Wedding Expo put on at the Duke Lodge this weekend.Some of the cakes designed by Karen McGregorShe said she was there for the exposure, and was I surprised by the wedding packages she offers.Nayellei’s hopes many will check out what she offers at her New Market Street, Georgetown location.Just across from her exhibition space at Duke Lodge, I met up with Karen McGregor, whose charm is as good as her skill in cake decorating.  She has been designing cakes for 15 years, and she is so good!Karen’s Thai inspired Bamboo Blossom was an instant eye-catcher but it was not up for sale as it was sold already.Darn! It featured two tiers and was accentuated with inter-changing shades of green that look like Bamboo for the icing. Next to it was a white two-tier cake caressed by yellow flowers, more of the traditional wedding cake.It’s a shame that in all of her 15 years of preparing wedding cakes Karen is little known. However, the Wedding Expo has been a big hit for her and she hopes she can handle all the orders coming in, especially for the busy wedding month of August.Among the other unique features at the Expo were Sonia Noel’s wedding designs.She is hoping that couples will want to make their wedding different by not going for the traditional white gown, but go for something more, well, Black.We also caught up with Envisage Marketing Company, which offers couples the option of creating their own wedding website.“Edible undies” were also on show as were the perfect bed and honeymoon packages.The organizers of the expo hoped to provide prospective couples and their families the chance to find the perfect wedding suppliers to suit their style and budget.The wedding expo is aimed at cutting out all of the trouble associated with putting on a wedding, whether Hindu, Christian or Muslim.The Wedding Weavers booth at the Wedding ExpoThe theme for the expo was “Magnificent Beginnings” and brought together leading companies and individuals who contribute to making a wedding special.Exhibitors include event planners, venue providers, tour operators, party suppliers, gift shops, dressmakers, boutiques, florists, graphic artists and photographers.Now for that Abhishek dude.

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