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發表於 2017-1-11 10:08:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Finally stopped this evil interest attempt, NieKong feel a little strange, if still in the game, has the ultimate BOSS purple luo HuanLing sweet as pets, definitely will stir the demons, this is the symbol of status and the strength,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, but don’t know now, BOSS and pharmacists mix of players experience have a function?
“No matter it useful, there is such a thing with pretty good also”Blood absorption finished?”
Isn’t that separated from the blood of the green liquid, also is the blood?
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That power has a strong destructive power, NieKong diseased, the meridians silt, the spirit force of uniting the slowness of the progress, can say is it haunt. But it is also very strange, NieKong search memory, but did not find any information about it, and perhaps also genetic since mother?
“Oh my! Ah, oh my! Ah, oh my! Ah the thinking, in the voice of transfer out of the discontent, seems to be in NieKong ask why so long ignore it.
Little one still pretty sticky man?
Nie hollow a laugh, pressure of those dark green blood worries, and “xiang xiang, xiang xiang” to call up, the right hand but firm in nine great saphenous hole of lily in turn out.
NieKong the tone and change the tone, the little one made trembling incessantly, and finally “oh my! Ah” sounds more and more weak, seem to be in a deep sleep in the past.
“Managed to figure it out.”
NieKong dark relaxes, began to try the “five-star move tacticbody, or absorption refining wood system spirit force element the speed of ascension for nearly ten times. The efficiency has been normal spirit of the division level.
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For this, NieKong has a confidence.

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