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[Wii] J. T. Miller Team North America Jersey 1c0pmp2f









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發表於 2017-1-11 11:34:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…vessel to be leased for Northwest DistrictThe state of the Government-owned ferries.Government has announced the impending lease of a ferry from overseas to help long-suffering residents of Mabaruma and Port Kaituma, North West District.The news would come amidst growing, bitter complaints by businesses and citizens of that Region One area about the irregular ferry service operated by the Transport and Harbours Department (T&HD).Within two years, the route will have two brand-new ferries with negotiations to start with India, on the construction and acquisition.According to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, the state of the operations of Government-owned ferries, was one discussed Wednesday during the weekly Cabinet of Ministers meeting with President David Granger.Some $69M was approved Wednesday for the docking and repairs of the Lady Northcote,Brett Hull Jersey, a vessel that once plied the route. Another aging ferry, MV Malali is to be placed on the route.It is expected that the new ferries will take up to two years to be ready.The Minister disclosed that the Lady Northcote will be docked for repairs at the EC Vieira wharf, Houston,Graham Knott Jersey, East Bank Demerara.He said that President Granger expressed serious concerns about the maintenance of the Government-owned ferries with indications,Nathan MacKinnon Team North America Jersey, that the erratic North West operation was negatively affecting passenger travel, and the movement of goods and farm produce.As a matter of fact, residents from Region One have complained of high losses after turning up at the wharf in Mabaruma and learning too late that the ferry would not be coming because of one reason or the other.Sometimes, for weeks,Jon Casey Jersey, there were no ferry services to Mabaruma and Port Kaituma,David Backes Jersey, a riverfront community.Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, was mandated on Wednesday to immediately enquire into the leasing of a vessel from overseas for use on the route. The leasing would be for the medium term.In the meantime, talks will be ongoing with India for the financing and construction of two new vessels for the hinterland routes, to ensure a more reliable movement of passengers and goods.Harmon said that ferries placed along the North West route have to be designed to take the rigors of waves of the Atlantic Ocean, as the vessels have to navigate the waters there to reach Region One.T&HD has been recording losses in recent years with Government forced to subsidize operations.The department reportedly has at least 10 ferries,Jarret Stoll Jersey, with two acquired from China in recent years.Some of the ferries,Nino Niederreiter Jersey, like Lady Northcote, are more than 60 years old. That vessel caught afire a few years ago and was deemed unsafe.Meanwhile, TH&D took media operatives on an extensive tour of the Lady Northcote and MV Barima, yesterday.The vessels were docked at the TH&D wharf on Water Street.The MV Barima revealed significant disrepair. The deck, winch and generator area of the vessel was a mass of junk and rust.TH&D manager Marcelene Merchant said that in excess of $220 million has been allocated for the rehabilitation of the vessel.It was the same for the Lady Northcote. TH&D officials noted that the vessel has been docked since 2008.The Lady Northcote and MV Barima are among a fleet of nine vessels managed by TH&D.The other vessels include the MV Malali, MV Sabanto,Kyle Brodziak Jersey, MV Makouria, MV Kanawan,Jason Spezza Jersey, MV Kimbia and the MV Canawaima, which serves as a passenger vessel between Suriname and Guyana.

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