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Students of the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) will be benefitting from a $7.8M three-component project that is aimed at improving skills training offered to young persons who are housed at the juvenile rehabilitation institute.The donation was made possible by a number of German students who donated the whole of their salaries to the NOC after a period of work.With the money a number of tools and machinery were handed over to the Administrator of NOC,Ryan Zimmerman Nationals Jersey, Samwar Jagnarine at a small ceremony held at the Ministry of Culture on Monday last.A German funding agency, Eerepami,Mike Piazza Dodgers Jersey, through the German Development Bank has made the project possible by providing materials and funding for the institute’s improvement. Robert Spitzer the Chief Executive Officer of the German organization Eerepami said that he is pleased to be making the  contributions. The CEO said that the three-component project provides new tools and machinery for the joinery, carpentry and metal working workshops.The organization has provided funding to introduce new skills training such as catering,Jose Iglesias Orioles Jersey, food handling and home economics. An expert from Germany has also been provided to NOC to conduct an intensive eight-week training programme with NOC staffers on handling and maintaining the new equipment.Spitzer was delighted to note that the project’s funding came from 21,Orlando Cepeda Giants Jersey,000 German youths who had worked for a day and donated their salaries to the development activities for young people such as themselves.“Most of the $7.8M was raised from youths in Germany,Pablo Sandoval Red Sox Jersey,” Spitzer said. “Twenty-one thousand youths from the youth foundation went and work for a day and all their salaries they donated so that projects like this one at NOC that benefits youths in Developing countries,Ted Williams Red Sox Jersey, can be supported.”Spitzer said the focus of the project, “Is on straight forward years of training that will give youths an opportunity to get a job in the future.” He noted that Guyana is on the verge of development and persons with the varying skills are necessary for the country’s growth.The CEO also mentioned that the Home Economics programme is greatly focused on assisting young girls who would be able to earn a living in that particular field or may be beneficial to them in their home life.The NOC Administrator told Kaieteur News that the donation would take the entity to a new level. Eerepami, he said, has been focusing immensely on the area of joinery and welding,Jim Palmer Orioles Jersey, while providing assistance for the catering classes after it was noticed a need for the “softer type skills training”.Culture Minister,Kevin Pillar Blue Jays Jersey, Frank Anthony expressed gratitude to the Eerepami CEO and commended the organization for their keen interest in assisting Guyanese youths. The Minister had noted that training in certain skill areas was lacking,Mike Shannon Cardinals Jersey, especially in the area of Home Economics.

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