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發表於 2017-1-11 20:14:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE — Sixteen Berbicians won a total of $1.5 million worth of items when the A. Ally and Sons store held its annual Christmas Bonanza drawing on Saturday.The first prize of a $500,Dani Alves Barcelona Jersey,000 shopping spree went to Alice Barron of Bermine Housing Scheme in New Amsterdam.A spin of the rotisserie and a winner is drawn by one of the spectators.James Corlette,Jordi Alba Barcelona Jersey, of Lot 35 Auchlyne, Corentyne, has a $350,000 spending spree awaiting him, while the third prize winner, Sewchand Durjodhan,Alexis Sanchez Jersey, of Ma Retraite on the East Bank of Berbice, will be allowed to select items worth $250,000.The fourth prize voucher of $150,000 went to Sabitri Ishree of Williamsburg, Corentyne; and Shanta Boodram of 10 -3 Church Street in New Amsterdam won the fifth prize of $100,000.Ten consolation prizes of $15,Gerard Gumbau Jersey,000 each, only redeemable in bicycles,Jordi Alba Jersey, went to J. Raj of Lot 51 Burnt Bush Dam in East Canje; Debra Khadaar,Jeremy Mathieu Jersey, in care of Banks DIH Limited in New Amsterdam; Shalom Full Gospel Church of Main and Pilot Streets,Sergi Roberto Barcelona Jersey, New Amsterdam; Anita Meenkum of Lot 43 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam; A. John of Corriverton; Neita Bhim of Number Fifty-Nine Village on the Corentyne; Dawn Beaton of Lot 16 New Street in New Amsterdam; B. Khemraj of Lot 10 Line Path ‘E’, Corentyne; Latchman Brijlall of Bush Lot Village on the Corentyne; and Steven Wallace of Yakusari, Black Bush Polder.A bonus prize of a $25,000 voucher, redeemable in a cellular phone, went to Rampersaud Sukhai of Bush Lot Farm on the Corentyne.The competition began in September and concluded on Saturday. During that period, each customer who made a purchase of $5,000 or more received one coupon.The draw was done on the pavement of the main store at Main Street and Coopers Lane in New Amsterdam.This Saturday, at the same location, the winners are to be presented with their vouchers. They have a period of 30 days to trade in their coupons. The coupons are redeemable at any one of the four locations of A. Ally and Sons Store:- the Main Store, the Showroom at Sheet Anchor in East Canje,Pedro Rodriguez Jersey, the Home Depot at Strand in New Amsterdam, and the Corriverton Depot.The lucky persons’ names were all selected from a rotisserie of hundreds of coupons.Ahmad Ally, proprietor of the A. Ally and Sons business, thanked the patrons for their support over the past 23 years.Managing Director Faizal Ally spoke of promotions that not only attracted more customers, but offered them affordable prices. One such was the ‘Why Pay Interest?’ promotion which began in December.Customers were given up to one year to complete payment for whatever item selected, with no interest attached. In March,Charles Aranguiz Jersey, the entity is to launch its ‘Red, White and Yellow’ sale. All items marked with these colours will be sold at a discount.

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