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A $30.4M school extension project has been completed and handed over giving students a chance to study in an environment better suited for learning and safety. The rehabilitation followed requests by the Parent-Teacher Association of Annandale Secondary. The Contracting Firm was R. Kissoon and Sons.The Annandale Secondary School extension, which started last September,Manchester United Fan Shop UK, encompasses a 100ft by 25ft two-storey building. The project was overseen by Basic Needs Trust Fund, with funding from the Caribbean Development Bank and the Government of Guyana.The BNTF programme is in its 7th and 8th cycles.  Guyana received grant funds totaling US$7.9M.The overall goal of the project is to improve the basic educational and human resources development services for the students of Annandale Secondary School and to reduce overcrowding by targeting the relocation of the 200 students. Eight classrooms were accommodated in the auditorium of the school until the extension.The school was completed on February 25, 2016 ahead of the March 16, 2016 deadline. There is a defects liability period of six months which ends on August 25, 2016.With the rehabilitation of the Annandale Secondary School and the provision of enhanced classroom space, it is anticipated that there will be an improvement in the quality and ultimately, the standard of education and its outcomes.Students are likely to feel more eager to attend school and excited about learning. In addition, with fully accessible, safe and functional classrooms, there is likely to be better interaction between teachers and students leading also to enhanced learning by students and more impactful instruction by teachers.Overall, the improvements accompanied by a strong academic programme will lead to improved educational effectiveness in the school and spillovers into the community.The Parent-Teacher Association and teachers were very active throughout the activity and were urged by Project Manager Michael Singh to care the facility and make full use of it. He added that he hopes the Region Four Administration will maintain the facility as agreed to in the MOU.

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