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發表於 2018-12-6 01:18:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Azam Shivgobin, 18, of No. 76 Village Housing Scheme, Corentyne, has been charged with perjury.  ShivgobinAzam Shivgobinwho was the star witness in the recently concluded Salim ‘Black Salim’ Bacchus murder trial,Andy Lee Jersey, was charged after he changed his story when he was called to give evidence in the matter in the High Court.Bacchus was being tried for the murder of Narco Detective 20682 Jirahan Diananand which occurred on September 14, 2012, at Jackson Creek, Upper Corentyne.When called upon to give evidence in the High Court, before Justice  Franklyn Holder and a mixed jury, Shivgobin  told the court that the evidence he had  given in the Magistrate’s Court and in his statement, was incorrect and that he had lied and was forced to do so.His story in the High Court was totally different, thus, he was deemed a hostile witness. He was arrested as he left the courtroom and placed in custody.The teen had told a different story as a state witness. He was accused of lying under oath whilst giving evidence in the preliminary inquiry of the murder of Diananand.He appeared before Magistrate Charlyn Artiga on Thursday in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court to answer to the charge of perjury. He was not required to plea.According to Prosecutor Sergeant Phillip Sheriff, Shivgobin between December 6 and December 17, 2012 willfully committed perjury in order to procure the conviction of Salim Bacchus who was charged with murder.Attorney at Law Charrandass Persaud appeared for Shivgobin. He asked that bail be granted for his client, stating that he is not a flight risk. He said that his client was charged before, was granted bail and had attended court on every occasion.Prosecutor Sergeant Phillip Sherriff objected to bail on the grounds that the offence is a serious one and that the accused may not return for his trial.However, Magistrate Artiga after listening to both sides granted bail to the accused in the sum of $500,000.

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