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Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) has denied that it is to be blamed for the delays on a critical section of the US$22M East Bank Demerara four-lane highway extension.Utility workers removing the cables around the Diamond turn last month.In the wake of public accusation by contractor BK International that removal of communications cables in the Diamond turn area is to be blamed for the project delay, the company has since written to Geoffrey Vaughn,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Engineering Co-ordinator, Works Services Group, Ministry of Public Works.“It is unfortunate that both parties sought to include us in these public statements that do not reflect an accurate representation of our ongoing support,Anthony Chickillo Jersey, role and obligations relative to the relocation of our facilities and infrastructure along the affected portion of the EBD road.”GT&T said it has conveyed its concerns to Vaughn in a letter dated Thursday.“GT&T also stands by previous releases from the company on this matter relating to similar allegations emanating from BK International that are now a matter of public record. The facts speak for themselves.”Earlier this week, Vaughn said that works in Lot 1 (Providence to Prospect) and Lot Three (Little Diamond to Diamond) were way behind schedule. He urged for contractors to work overtime to meet deadlines.“We know that they had a lot of delays, but still we expected to see a little more in terms of the project management,Basket Jordan Junior Soldes, working double shift, day and night. But that did not happen.”He explained that the issue with utility infrastructure being removed would not take away from the Ministry applying liquidated damages to contractors because of lateness in completion of work.BK International, the contractor on the Lot Three section, claimed it took three years for GT&T to remove the cables and that there is more underground cables in the area, one also belonging to the Demerara Distillers Limited.GT&T had clashed with the contractor last year after public pressure mounted on delays of the section which runs to the critical Diamond intersection.A court settlement as to who would foot the bill had seen GT&T being awarded an amount for the removal.GT&T had made it clear that it will not engage BK, but rather the Ministry of Public Works on the issue.“Our principal counterpart in Government road construction activities is the Ministry of Public Works, not any individual contractor,Maglietta Juventus Bambino,” GT&T noted.The telephone company said then that it will remain ready and willing to collaborate with any and all road construction contractors, and that its preference is to continue to utilize the appropriate established mechanisms for constructive collaboration with the Ministry “as opposed to engaging in a counter-productive series of accusations and rebuttals in the media.”Four years ago, in December 2010, Government and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed a US$22M financing agreement to extend the four-lane thoroughfare from Providence to Diamond, East Bank Demerara.The delays have been frustrating with congestion becoming a norm along the East Bank link.The project had been divided into three lots–Lot One, to Dipcon, is approximately 56 percent completed; Lot Two,Cheap Authentic Jerseys From China, contracted to Gaico Construction,Borussia Dortmund Trikot G��nstig Kaufen, is 90 percent done,Cheap Air Max Online Ireland, while Lot Three is 65 percent completed.

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