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Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira, says that even as Guyana is on track to meeting key goals,Bvb Trikot 18/19, such as poverty reduction, the current global financial crisis could force the United Nations to review the benchmarks that were set for development at a landmark summit in 2000.Teixeira’s comments came on Wednesday after the National Working Group (NWG) on private/public partnerships for the attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) met to consider its programme for 2009.The MDG’s were set at the UN Summit in 2000. They called for Governments of the world to meet key development targets, including halving the levels of extreme poverty and hunger by 2015, based on 1990 levels.In 1992, Teixeira said, the number of Guyanese living in poverty was 67 percent, but now the figure stands at 36.1 percent. Guyana is on target to meet the goal of halving poverty, she said.She said that challenges remain in reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.Pneumonia, diarrhoea and worm infestations are the major causes of death in children under five years. The MDG in this area is to substantially lower the number of children dying before their fifth birthday.Ms Teixeira said that if the global financial crisis continues, there could be some discussions about whether the goals can be reached. The other targets set are for Governments to provide universal primary education, ensure environmental sustainability, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and develop a global partnership for development.Teixeira hailed the fact that Guyana is the only country in the Caribbean with a National Working Group on private/public partnerships for the attainment of MDGs. This year, the Group has received funding from the Government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the tune of US$26,000.Chairman of the group, Major-General (retired) Joseph Singh, pointed out that the group is not into project execution but, rather, seeks to promote the private sector as the key development partner with the Government in the attainment of the MDGs.For 2009, the group will seek to enhance its collaboration with the private sector and develop a work programme to cater to the many requests for its support.However, Singh said the group would be working with small and medium enterprises — which form a significant portion of the growing private sector – and deepening the participation of the private sector in models of development.Singh pointed out that there are a number of local development models helping to bring Guyanese out of poverty.He referred to organisations, such as Amazon Caribbean Limited, which have developed and implemented strategies for the production and marketing of indigenous organic crops, particularly heart of palm and pineapple, which strategies have economically empowered rural indigenous Amerindian communities by linking them to the international economy and providing them with an income.Another successful development model he pointed to was North West Organics, which produces a range of organic products for sale to the local and international markets. The communities of the North West District along the proposed protected area of Shell Beach are involved in the project. It is a means of alternative income away from killing and selling the endangered marine turtles that nest on the beach.Singh said that the group will utilise such successful working models of public/private and community collaboration as an important tool to influence stakeholders on the merits of viable partnerships, mentoring and business planning, quality control and production-line management.According to the group, improved incomes stimulate greater demand – an important component for private sector and community enterprise development. This year, particular emphasis will be placed on institutional and capacity development, to facilitate community development through the transfer of knowledge and skills.Since its establishment in 2005, the group has collaborated with a number of agencies to enhance their capacity and to support projects designed to create jobs. According to Major-General Singh, the Blue Flame Women’s Group is one group which has benefited from such support. The contribution of the National Working Group has led to continued growth of Blue Flame’s enterprises.The group is now integrally involved in the production of peanut butter, and has an assured market in the Pegasus Hotel, which has committed to purchasing all of the peanut butter produced.Singh said that the group will shortly be provided with two grass cutters and $1M to further its activities.

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