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發表於 2018-12-13 15:23:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It had not been long after John Blanchard was taken to the holding area of the court located on the bottom flat, on the Western end of the building that screams emanated from the holding area. Once again the murder accused had been attacked by fellow inmates.Yesterday, Blanchard was seen being removed from the prison cell holding his head, and tears streaming down his face. Information gathered revealed that the man was attacked by other prisoners kept in the same cell as the man.Kaieteur News further understands that it was only when the sister of the accused, Ann Blanchard, started screaming after witnessing the attack on her brother that police ranks were made aware of what was transpiring. Blanchard was later taken out of the cell and placed in another area of the court.Ms Blanchard said that no one among family members was aware that John Blanchard had to make a court appearance yesterday.  He had appeared in court earlier this week.The woman said that she decided to take his meals to him at the court. While there she said that she heard her brother screaming. She turned to a relative and said that her brother was being beaten again. And the police ranks in the vicinity were doing nothing. At that point she screamed and spurred the ranks into action.The accused had just made his third appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to have the murder charges reinstituted against him yesterday.  Appearing before Acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry, the murder accused had the separate charges modified. The man is charged with the murder of all three of his children.The counts would be taken jointly instead of the previous condition that saw him answering two counts and then a third separately.The prosecution had made an application to have the separate charges of murder withdrawn against Blanchard. The first two charges were levied against him on October 15 and a third on November 2. Blanchard on October 11 had reportedly murdered his children Belika Blanchard and Daniel Blanchard. His third child, Joy Blanchard,NFL Jerseys China, succumbed to her injuries just days after the brutal chopping attack.Blanchard was not required to plead to the capital offence of murder, while Magistrate Beharry further read the indictable charge which now included the names of all three children.The defendant was told by the court that he would be making his next appearance at the law institution on December 5. He was further remanded to jail.On the last occasion Blanchard’s lawyer Peter Hugh had asked the court that the man be sent for psychiatric assessment and this request was granted. The paper understands that the man had been facing domestic issues with his reputed wife. Hugh had asked for such examination to be done on his client to determine whether the man was mentally fit to stand trial.

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