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發表於 2017-1-13 20:42:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An unidentified bandit was shot dead last night shortly after he and an accomplice robbed the owners of a stall in the East Ruimveldt Market.The bandit was pumped with bullets during a shootout with members of a private security service who were in the market at the time.One of the security personnel Kayode McDonald was shot in the left elbow during the exchange and was treated at the Georgetown Hospital and sent away.According to reports,Serge Savard Canadiens Jersey, the two bandits had robbed stall owners Kurt Nurse and his wife Susan around 19:00 hours just as they were closing up their business for the day.Speaking to this newspaper shortly after the incident, Susan Nurse related that she and her husband were in the stall while an employee was putting up the shutters when the bandits struck.According to Mrs. Nurse the two men approached the front of the stall and requested cigarettes.She said that the bandits,Eddie Giacomin Rangers Jersey, after being told that there was no cigarettes,Henrik Lundqvist Rangers Jersey, hurried to the back of the stall,John Carlson Capitals Jersey, one with his gun drawn,Mike Gartner Capitals Jersey, telling them to hand over their cash.“They say, ‘Whey de money, whey de money? Tumble dem drawer.’ I just sit back and let them take it,” Mrs. Nurse told this newspaper.She said that her husband told the men that there was no cash in the drawer.He (Kurt Nurse) however requested a bag and put some of the day’s sales inside and handed it to one of the bandits.According to Mrs. Nurse, while one of the men brandished a gun openly, the other one who collected the cash had his hand in his waist throughout the robbery.“When they were leaving my husband asked them,Evgeny Svechnikov Red Wings Jersey, ‘Y’all ain’t leaving none for we passage.’ The bandit took out about sixty dollars on the ground and they left,Justin Abdelkader Red Wings Jersey,” the stallholder said.But the bandits did not cater for two plainclothes security men being in the immediate vicinity at the time.“By the time my husband reached the door we hear shots firing and he turned back inside,Dominic Moore Rangers Jersey,” Mrs. Nurse said.When they went outside,Bob Probert Red Wings Jersey, they saw one of the bandits lying dead.“The other one got away,” she said.An official of the private security service told this newspaper that the two staff had gone to the market to assist one of their wives to pack up her stall in the market.They happened to see the men attack Nurse’s stall and being armed they confronted them.It was during this exchange that the bandit was shot dead.Kaieteur News understands that a firearm was recovered and a number of live rounds were found in the dead bandit’s pockets.There are also reports that cocaine was also on his person.His bullet-riddled body was transported to the Georgetown Hospital where he was officially pronounced dead.

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