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發表於 2017-1-14 03:25:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As we all know, the discharging outlet is based on the customers’ demand to achieve standard materials. The exports from Hongxing give a simple introduction to the question, hoping that we can give you some help in use.
We clear that the thrust plate of jaw crusher (called toggle plate) not only passes power to make jaw plate forward and back but also plays a safe role in operating. Meanwhile, changing the length of toggle plate can adjust ore mouth.
When the crushing chamber of jaw crusher entered into some materials which cannot be crushed (such as iron ball,NHL Jerseys China, iron ore), we usually use the back toggle plate as safe parts to protect the whole equipment. The back toggle plate is cast the whole by iron,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, in which opens a slot or some small holes to reduce profile intensity, and it can be cast in two and then is connected by screws to form the combination toggle.
The instruction manuals provided are not detailed, so the customers should learn installation and debugging from professional staff and control the safety of jaw crusher and the adjusting of materials, which can ensure stable production. To a service-oriented brand integrity,As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery,
When the gear plate is abraded for a long service, the ore mouth is bigger and the granularity of products is thicker. In order to obtain the qualified product granularity,NBA Jerseys China, adjusting the ore mouth is necessary at a regular time. There are three methods to adjust the ore mouth:
1. Shim Adjustment: Putting a group of shims between supporting holder of back toggle plate and rack to change quantities and thickness of shims, and which can adjust the ore mouth efficiently. This method with tight structure and flexible adjustment is suitable for large and medium jaw crusher.
2. Wedge Block Adjustment: The two wedge blocks is used between back toggle plate and rack, which is suitable for small jaw crusher.
Hongxing Experts remind the users of reading the instruction manuals carefully and you will be so much easier in operation and maintenance.

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