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Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys her wedding ring









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發表於 2017-1-14 04:19:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Barbadian man is now being held by Police after confessing to killing his Guyanese wife by dumping her in a septic tank, her relatives said yesterday.Dead is 33-year-old Bibi Ifill. Her relatives in Barbados told Kaieteur News that she went missing two Mondays ago,Los Angeles Kings Jerseys China, and they decided to alert the Police since the woman had suffered in an abusive relationship.Dead: Bibi IfillThe woman’s husband, Mark Ifill, was being held by Police since late last week but it was only early yesterday morning that he reportedly told detectives where to find his wife,Wholesale Seattle Seahawks Jerseys, the woman’s relatives said. Bibi Ifill’s naked body was hauled out of the tank behind the home in which she lived in St Michael early yesterday morning.In Guyana,Wholesale Cincinnati Reds Jerseys, the woman has left to mourn her two teenage children from a previous marriage.Bibi Ifill’s sister, Zarfana Bacchus,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, said that her sister visited Barbados in March 2008 and was introduced to the man who has now confessed to killing her.It was only weeks after arriving in Barbados and meeting the man that she decided to marry him.Soon after, she began to face abuse at the hands of her husband,Seattle Seahawks Jerseys China, who relatives said had threatened to kill her and put her where nobody could find her.Bibi Ifill worked as a nurse aid,Cincinnati Reds Jerseys China, her sister said,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, and it was the people she looked after who first raised alarm after she did not report for work.Her relatives in Barbados decided to check at the home. There, they were told by the husband to check and see if she had not returned to Guyana.When relatives checked the house, two barrels Bibi Ifill had intended to send to her children back home were missing.However,NBA Jerseys China, her wedding ring,MLB Jerseys China, along with some other jewellery was there.Police decided to detain the husband for questioning, after which he confessed to dumping her in the septic tank.Bibi Ifill had filed for divorce.

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