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"Disclosure", the tenth studio album from Dutch/Norwegian rockers THE GATHERING, is available for streaming in its entirety below. The CD will be released on September 12 via the band's own Psychonaut Records.  "Disclosure" track listing:01. Paper Waves02. Meltdown03. Gemini I04. Heroes For Ghosts05. Missing Seasons06. See For Miles07. Paralyzed08. Gemini IIThe "Disclosure" cover artwork was created by the Chilean artist Carlos Vergara Rivera. "Heroes For Ghosts" was made available for free download last year at the group's Bandcamp page. A video for the track was shot in Norway by the band's "dear friend" Marcus Moonen and can be seen below.THE GATHERING's previous album,Tony Twist Jersey, "The West Pole", was released in North America on June 2,Pavol Demitra Jersey, 2009 via Season of Mist. The CD was issued in most of Europe on May 4, 2009 via the group's own label,Fabian Orellana Jersey, Psychonaut Records."The West Pole" marked the recording debut of new THE GATHERING singer Silje Wergeland,Jonas Gustavsson Red Wings Jersey, who was previously in the Norwegian band OCTAVIA SPERATI. In a recent interview with Decibel magazine, Wergeland stated that "Disclosure" is "fresher,Johnny Gaudreau Team North America Jersey, braver,Jeremy Mathieu Barcelona Jersey, more confident, honest, deeper [and] newer" than "The West Pole".Regarding THE GATHERING's decision to release the "Heroes For Ghosts" single so far ahead of the full-length album, Silje said, "We decided to not do it for any other reason than release it because we wanted to! The song is way too long for a 'normal' single, but that didn't matter. We never released it to try to get it on radio or on TV. We know their limits of about three minutes to get airplay, and knew we'll never get there anyways. It was only marketed through our Facebook, Twitter and webpage,Gerard Gumbau Jersey, so very low key. THE GATHERING has its own label [Psychonaut], but we are not very business-focused. It is still all about the music and art. We were just so happy with it and wanted to share it with the world."Singer Anneke van Giersbergen announced her departure from THE GATHERING in 2007. She has since released four albums on her own and with her AGUA DE ANNIQUE solo project: "Air" (2007),Chicago Cubs Jason Heyward Jersey, "Pure Air" (2009),Baltimore Orioles Dylan Bundy Jersey, "In Your Room" (2009) and "Everything Is Changing" (2012).

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