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發表於 2017-1-15 02:21:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryLamaha Gardens residents are peeved over what they say is the recent illegal sale of a huge plot of land used as a public playfield and community relaxation area for decades to a private businessman.The residents are blaming the government whom they say is responsible for the illegal transaction that will now largely leave them without access to an open space.According to them,Wholesale Jerseys, the land,Wholesale Jerseys China, located at Durabana Square, has been available to the neighbourhood children and other residents since the early 1960s. Now, they charge that the “prime property” was “stolen and sold illegally,Cheap NFL Jerseys, way below the market price” to a businessman with high connections.Kaieteur News was told that the land is estimated at a market value of over $100M,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, but the plot which could hold about five executive houses,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, was sold reportedly for a mere $25M,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, as told to them by the businessman.It is understood that the open space had been for years maintained by residents,Wholesale China Jerseys, and “all of a sudden, we saw a sign that said private property and the land being fenced.”One male resident, who preferred not to be named, said, “They stole the land.” He remembered living in Campbellville-Kitty when Lamaha Gardens was being developed in the 1960s into a high scale residential area for senior public servants and Government officials, most of whom were members of the then Civil Service Association (CSA), now the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU).He said that at first the land held what could be called a guard hut, where residents would assemble at nights and have community patrols.He said that the land was meant to be a playground and it was originally being looked after by the GPSU. The land, he noted, had been handed over by former President Forbes Burnham.Giving details, another male resident said that in earlier days, there had been a citizens’ group which required a monthly subscription to help with security. That group became inactive, but recently efforts were being made to get the group going again.He said that last Sunday he saw the fence going up around the said land and learnt that the Government had sold the property.The man who lived in the location for over 30 years said that he was told that the government had allegedly identified that land for some unknown activity. He however opined that the land should not be sold since it is part of the community.“It has been a part of Lamaha Gardens from the beginning. It was born out of land allocated years ago. I don’t know how the government is making any claims.”Several well-known citizens have properties in the immediate surroundings.Residents have indicated their reluctance to let the matter go unnoticed.A meeting is scheduled for the new week to discuss the situation and to plan the way forward. Legal action could result for the imminent forum.

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