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發表於 2017-1-15 14:29:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Day a side of xi ? o son, in other’s territory, and don’t be afraid of four the god of its practitioners necks, it is not because silly, but has absolute confidence!!!!!
S: when bird is bad.
A series of idea in mind flash across, cold indeed had immediately countermeasures,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, she squeezed out a slightly some with smile, low voice smiled, “that, I just want to look at xi ? o brother have what special of place, ha ha, had not let me down, I now know xi ? o brother’s ill.”
Paused for a moment, cold indeed continue to XiaoYingYing invitation: “if don’t abandon it, xi ? o brother to my palace a break, everything can be discussed. Just my some bold, for a while since I sent three cup, even to make amends you, how?”
Cold cui is smiling, “I and three younger sisters to xi ? o brother are very interested in, don’t know xi ? o brother from where? Well, these for a while, also is not cannot talk about, but don’t know xi ? o brother’s t m & # 233; n, we host up, also will get upset, also please xi ? o brother tell just good.”
See the uncommon after albitite, cold cui, cold indeed know that want to use strong afraid is not reality, began to wrap, want to n & # 242; Ng understand the true identity albitite.
Ice made clear, the frost rain bamboo is also beautiful eyes yi yi, deeply looked at him, and obviously for the problem also is interested in.
Day a side of youth, has not only the XuanBing cold flame, and the hot to stores, if not an earthshaking backstage, who also don’t believe it.
In-million-square-kilometer land, although QiGu pie is legitimate,  is the most powerful seven forces, but also have a few years the old uniting the countless monster, all the year round in the mysterious restrained different, maybe one hundred years never appear to those old monster each XiongKuang terrorist, with the best tongtian phrase, it is the men throughout the do not measure of existence.
Whoever happened less than throughout the change of time, these old monster is not MaoTou, for the average low level for kung fu practitioner, don’t even know who those old monster of existence, ought to QiGu pie is the only areas throughout the strong.
Ice made clear is the master of the emperor of ice city, they are not that kind of ignorance the generation, natural know those long not born old monster in some ways a little insolently s & # 232; QiGu sent behind the scenes of the strong, also know those people cantankerous, a HuDuan on top of the world, if not xi ? o heart against their descendants of, get to endless trouble.
Thirty years ago, one of the elders LingBao Pope, in the LingBao Pope jubao event, because see a young man’s heavy treasure, in the jubao at the end of the event, with the youth in secret, no one in the wilderness of the will that youth case killed, and won the young man a heavy treasure, excitement to the fullest.
After half moon,Nike Bengals #18 A.J. Green Gray Mens Stitched NFL Limited Gridiron Gray Jersey, a group called rev. Day old man true god the territory, the only came to LingBao Pope, in the presence of the LingBao Pope clanlord of face, with biting very means the name the soul of the elders abruptly ch ? u off, in LingBao Pope, apocalyptic old man for three days and three nights, will that a has the
Cold cui, cold indeed enchanting smile, and look forward to of looking at him, waiting for him nod approval
As long as the shizi nodded, and they go together, they believe that with their means, so willingly albitite for them construct a place ice y & # 249; Work BingJiao practice
Ice made clear, the frost rain bamboo x & # 236; Ng case has always been proud, don’t understand flexible, do not out of the cold, cold Tracy this stance to me
So, watch out et se expression, two nv also helpless, just secretly curses greed take read s & albitite # 232;
“Do you have any cold y & # 249; pulp?”
 good talk, if not cold y & # 249; pulp, or forget it I’m pressed for time, don’t want to in your ice emperor city l & # 224; ng fee, everyone still hear it straight. It open skylight
“Cold y & # 249; pulp!”
Ice made clear, cold cui, cold rain, the frost indeed is a bamboo look change
That year they before the poem master, have given them respectively four one a cold y & # 249; …… Pulp, is to let them in the god of creation of taking triple day
Cold y & # 249; It may be said is ice emperor city with the most precious thing in the extreme cold in the land of the extremely snow mountains, one thousand years, will would be a cold y & # 249; Pulp, uniting the cold for x & # 236 of; Ng of them, snap, cold y & # 249; It’s all uniting with holy y & # 224; O, very precious
A cold is opening albitite y & # 249; Pulp, let four nv all was stunned
“I as long as cold y &amp,Nike Panthers #70 Trai Turner Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey; # 249; pulp”
Looking at four nv expression, facial expression and albitite, guess they even really have this on XuanBing cold flame wants
“Cold y & # 249; pulp is crucial to us, can you change?” Cold cui frowned, “nv, yuan jing,” whatever you choose, the ice, as long as the emperor city some, you see on that, and I can help you n & # 242; ng to, how?”
Shook his head, shizi insist, “I as long as cold y & # 249; pulp”
Ice made clear four nv suddenly fell silent
“Not a drop of” grin albitite, hey hey keep smile, “a one a cold y & # 249; pulp, bring them here ji ? o give me, I’m responsible for let XuanBing cold flame for you construct a suitable for you, in addition to the practice BingJiao cold y & # 249; besides, I shall not with”
Four beautiful blame woman, still silence, facial expression complex
“To you seven days time to consider it, after seven days, I will leave ice city,christian louboutin men you take careful emperor discuss” shizi not worried, “a BingJiao, you can enter four training, missed the I, again want to find a suitable candidate, there may be no easy”
“We do need time seem”
Cold cui deeply frowned and half ring, just blunt ice made clear said: “elder sister, whether we should have a good careful magnifying glass”
Ice made clear nod

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