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– No arrests madeA 55-year-old man was found with his head bashed in, hours after he was seen partying with relatives at a wedding.Dead is Mc Lean Benjamin,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, of Alliance Road,Cheap New York Mets Jerseys, Timehri,Nike Bengals #77 Andrew Whitworth White Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, and also of Barima, Region One.When Kaieteur News arrived at the scene yesterday morning a blue and white sheet was thrown over Benjamin’s body.The body was discovered by Gomattie Gobin,Nike Cowboys #88 Michael Irvin White 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, a family friend of the man,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, around 08:00hrs yesterday.Undertakers removing Benjamin’s body Gobin said that she had seen Benjamin some time around midnight on Sunday, and that she was picking up bottles around the yard yesterday when she found Benjamin’s body. The corpse was found at a small passage way adjoining two houses.According to Gobin, Benjamin had a large wound to the head and another to the jaw.Another relative said that she was surprised that something of this nature could have happened at the house.The woman said that everyone was having such a nice time at the wedding and no one could have thought a murder would have happened at the house.Kaieteur News was told that Benjamin was highly intoxicated and one relative suggested that Benjamin had to be killed when the music was at its loudest.“We turn off the music around 01:00 hrs….so the person would have committed the murder while the music was playing,” the relative said.The dead man’s brother, Dennis Benjamin, said that he received the news sometime after 08:00hrs yesterday. He told this newspaper that he saw his brother on Saturday morning.According to Benjamin, his brother was going to Coverden, East Coast Demerara, to collect his salary.He said that he had warned his brother against drinking heavy, knowing that the wedding was going to be later in the day.“Since I know we getting wedding I tell he don’t drink too much…and he tell me ‘alright,Nike Browns #55 Alex Mack Black 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, good’,” Benjamin explained.The brother told reporters that this is the second time that one of his siblings was murdered.Another brother,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, Christani Benjamin, was stabbed to death at a party some seven years ago. The suspect was never apprehended.Some of the man’s friends who were present at the scene described Benjamin as a loving, hard working and honest person who didn’t deserve such a horrible fate.Crime scene investigators removed a few pieces of clothing belonging to the victim. Meanwhile, this newspaper was told that no suspects had been arrested.

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