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Wholesale NFL Jerseys China 24sfgwub









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發表於 2017-1-15 19:49:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The proverbial shackle was yesterday removed from a killer’s feet as Magistrate Fabayo Azore ruled that the prosecution failed to present the court with sufficient evidence in relation to the murder of his friend Shawn Nelson.Freed of murder charge: Carlyle BartonCarlyle Barton, on May 27,wholesale nfl jerseys china, last, who was allegedly captured on video surveillance shooting Nelson at Orange Walk, Bourda,cheap china jerseys, was discharged by  Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. Barton was charged with murder.According to reports, a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance system had showed Barton whipping out a handgun,cheap jerseys cc, aiming and firing at Nelson who was seen falling after he received the shot to his head. It also revealed the man calmly entering his car and drove away.However, Kaieteur News understands that the surveillance video was never brought before the court for consideration,wholesale jerseys, and most of the witnesses never presented themselves to testify.The charge was first read to Barton by Magistrate Sueanna Lovell on May 30 and thereafter the matter engaged Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry’s attention.The Chief Magistrate subsequently reassigned the case to Magistrate Azore,cheapjerseys.us, who freed the accused on grounds of lack of prosecution.The family of the slain man expressed disappointment at the outcome.“We feel saddened about the way the matter was handled and how fast it was thrown out. We didn’t get any justice.” They however explained that they were not surprised at the result since they had observed that witnesses, including the police, were not turning up to provide the court with evidence.The Commissioner of Police told Kaieteur News that he has “some of the facts” pertaining to the outcome of the case and has requested a full report from the Court Superintendent.“What I have done is call the court superintendent and say that I need an urgent report,wholesale jerseys china, to see what we can do in this matter. As long as they (the police ranks) are wanted for court they have to go to court.”When asked about possible disciplinary action, Brumell stated,cheap jerseys outlet, “We have many courses we can take. We can send them home, or demote them.”

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