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發表於 2017-1-15 22:26:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A police constable attached to the narcotics branch of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) made an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday,DeMarre Carroll Raptors Jersey, charged with conspiring to traffic a narcotic.The police are alleging that on April 13, last, at East Bank Demerara,Kyle Lowry Raptors Jersey, Norrell Hyman,David Robinson Team USA Jersey, of 47 De Kinderen Village,Bradley Beal Wizards Jersey, West Coast Demerara, conspired with persons unknown to traffic cocaine.He was refused bail and remanded to prison until April 27,Custom Wizards Jersey, by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.Hyman’s lawyer,Larry Bird Team USA Jersey, Adrian Thompson, told the court that the charge leveled against his client is misconceived. He stated that on the day in question the defendant was in a motor car with another person travelling to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).The lawyer continued that Hyman was picked up at one point on the East Bank thoroughfare and dropped off at another point. He said that the charge stemmed from an allegation someone made against him.Thompson added, too, that the individual is currently remanded on a drug trafficking charge.The Attorney asked that his client be released on bail in an effort for him to continue his studies.However,Tracy Mcgrady Raptors Jersey, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP),C.J. Watson Magic Jersey, Stephen Telford, recounted a different story. He related that the defendant was executing duties on the day in question at the airport. He added that after alleged drug trafficker Arthur Manget was busted with cocaine at the airport, further investigations were carried out after Manget made an allegation against Hyman.Telford pointed out that the defendant joined a motor car at Land of Canaan in which he (Manget) was a passenger. He further noted that Hyman took a picture of Manget with the intention of sending it to the airport to facilitate him passing through security check point.Manget was remanded to prison last Thursday, after he denied attempting to traffic 9.670 kg of cocaine at the CJIA.On April 13,Draymond Green Team USA Jersey, last, Manget was at the airport when his suitcase was placed through a scanner. Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) ranks observed a strange object in the man’s luggage hidden in false walls.

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