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Manchester United #39 Rashford White Away Soccer Club Jersey 2016









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發表於 2017-1-15 23:28:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The 22-year-old driver involved in the accident that resulted in the death of 11-year-old Simon Kendall was yesterday charged with causing death by dangerous driving. He appeared before Magistrate Charlyn Artiga at the No. 51Remanded: Darshan BabulallMagistrate’s Court and was slapped with three additional charges.The court heard that on Thursday December 8th,Wholesale Jerseys, 2016,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the accused, Darshan Babulall,Wholesale Jerseys China, drove motor PVV 7617 on the Number 46 Public Road,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, Corentyne,Cheap NFL Jerseys, in a dangerous manner causing injuries to Simon Kendall resulting in his death. Babulall was not required to enter a plea to that charge.He was further charged with driving while being disqualified from being a holder of a driver’s licence. He pleaded not guilty to that charge.He was also charged with failing to render assistance – that is, to take the injured person to a medical practitioner. Babulall again pleaded not guilty.He was then charged with failing to stop his vehicle after causing an accident, and pleaded not guilty.The rice mill operator of 193 Number 46 Village was represented by Attorney-at-Law,Wholesale China Jerseys, Chandra Sohan who told the court that Babulall was charged with a similar offence for which he served a one year prison sentence.However according to the presiding Magistrate, who laid the previous charges on him, he was sentenced to one year in prison but was granted bail by the High Court. His driver’s licence was also suspended for two years.Police Prosecutor Phillip Sheriff objected to bail due to the grievous nature of the crime and Babulall’s previous conviction.Bail was refused by Magistrate Artiga on the grounds that the accused posed a flight risk given the serious nature of the offence; he provided inaccurate information to the court regarding his licence suspension and the fact that he was driving while on appeal for a matter where his licence was suspended.The Magistrate further noted that the accused was driving with a suspended licence and should not have been behind the wheel.He was remanded to prison until December 28th.A relative of the now dead lad disclosed that Kendall was walking along the No 46 public road with his elder brother when two cars that were reportedly speeding approached. One vehicle reportedly overtook the other vehicle and slammed into the 11 year old – knocking him in the air before he landed several feet away from the point of impact. The lad was reportedly struck two houses away from his home.Kendall’s brother narrowly escaped,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, but failed to save his brother. The driver of the vehicle reportedly sped away after hitting Kendall.Young Kendall was still alive when relatives rushed to his assistance; he was transported to the Skeldon Public Hospital where he later succumbed. He sustained severe injuries to his back, foot, head and other parts of the body.

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