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[PS3] Wholesale Miami Dolphins Jerseys an economist









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發表於 2017-1-15 23:42:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– OPA statement from the Office of the President yesterday noted that the latest act of confusion by the People’s National Congress Reform is demonstrated in its press statement on Monday which noted that it would not have attended a briefing by the President on the recently initialed EPA.The Office of the President indicated that the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) sought to explain why it had rejected President Jagdeo’s invitation to attend a briefing to update the Parliamentary Opposition parties about developments subsequent to the recently held national consultation of the CARIFORUM-EC Economic Partnership Agreement.The OP statement alluded, however,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, to the fact that the PNCR was represented at that consultation by its party Chairman,Wholesale Jerseys China, Winston Murray,Wholesale China Jerseys, an economist,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, a former Minister of Trade in the PNCR and the PNCR’s current shadow Minister of Finance in Parliament.“His contribution there was clear in the Party’s rejection of the initialled agreement…It was explicit in its support of the Government of Guyana’s position which expressed willingness to only sign a ‘goods only’ agreement and to re-negotiate the other aspects of the initialled agreement.”It added that Murray pronounced on the Region’s unpreparedness to extend reciprocity in trade to its development partner,Cheap NFL Jerseys, thereby abandoning the long-held special and differential treatment accords, specifically outlining the PNCR’s position calling for more time to consult with stakeholders since “all that glitters is not gold”Murray at that time concluded by hoping that President Jagdeo would be able to influence the other Heads along the lines that had been formed during the consultationOP emphasized that,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, “In a manner reminiscent of other more recent about turns,Wholesale Jerseys, today’s press statement departed radically from their Chairman’s public positions and specifically sought to dismiss his main points that were captured in the consensus stakeholders’ document issued after the consultation….In another inexplicable about turn, the PNCR has now added its voice implicitly calling for Guyana and the Region to sign the full agreement on Oct. 15th, the date recently identified by the Heads at their recent special meeting.The PNCR press statement can only be seen as a blatant attempt by that party to ingratiate (sucking up to/grovel to) themselves with the CARICOM Heads who had recently roundly rejected their attempt to present an anti-government petition in Antigua, the Office of the President concluded.

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