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[泰拳] Jake Allen Jersey 35ug2efn









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發表於 2017-1-15 23:56:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zaheer MohamedRedeemer, St. Gabriel’s,Roberto Osuna Blue Jays Jersey, FE Pollard and Bel Air Primary schools were the victorious teams when the Scotia Bank Kiddy cricket festival continued yesterday with four matches at the Georgetown Cricket Club ground Bourda.Matthew AbramsPlaying in the Georgetown zone of the nationwide competition,Bryce Harper Nationals Jersey, Redeemer defeated Rama Krishna by 16 runs. Redeemer Primary batted first and scored 132-5 off the allotted 10 overs. Ronald DeGuiar top scored with 12,Keith Hernandez Mets Jersey, while Timothy Singh claimed 3 wickets,Brandon McCarthy Dodgers Jersey, Rahul Ramjeawon,Carlton Fisk Red Sox Jersey, Nestor Hussain, Uganda Payne and Sudershanie Sharma picked up two wickets each. Rama Krishna were restricted for 116-6 in 10 overs in reply. Extras led with 42. Matthew Abrams bagged five wickets for the winners while Roise Stoll grabbed 4, Ephraim Prass took three and Amanda Ng-A-Fook had two.St. Gabriel’s overcame Stella Maris by 7 runs. Stella Maris took first strike and managed 122-6 and St. Gabriel’s responded with 129-6.FE Pollard got the better of JE Burnham by 55 runs. FE Pollard posted 166-4 off their 10 overs, batting first, extras contributed a healthy 32. J E Burnham in reply mustered 111,Bob Gibson Cardinals Jersey, losing 10 wickets in the process off their quota of 10 overs,  and again extras top scored with 42.Bel Air thumped Comenius by 31 runs. Bel Air rattled up 154-4 in 10 overs after taking first turn at the crease. Comenius scored 123-4 in 10 overs in response.The format provides for each team to commence their innings with 100 runs. The batters are being divided into pairs with each pair batting for two overs and shall have unlimited lives, but six runs areRedeemer’s top scorer Ronald DeGuiar plays through the off side.being deducted for each dismissal.The competition continues today at the said venue with South Ruimveldt,Jonathan Broxton Cardinals Jersey, Tucville,Joey Gallo Rangers Jersey, Enterprise, East La Penitence, St. Pius,Victor Martinez Orioles Jersey, St. Sidwell, Smith Memorial and Thomas Moore battling for supremacy.  Action gets underway at 13:00hrs.

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