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發表於 2017-1-16 04:47:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police have detained a 52-year-old woman,Cheap New York Rangers Jerseys, who is believed to have posted racially-inciting social media comments about African Guyanese,Nike Cowboys #88 Michael Irvin White 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, and what appeared to be a threat to President Granger.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that the woman, identified as being from Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo,Cheap Pittsburgh Steelers Jerseys, was taken into custody yesterday morning. Kaieteur News understands that she was taken to CID Headquarters,Cheap New York Mets Jerseys, Eve Leary.Blanhum said that she has given investigators a statement,Nike Bengals #77 Andrew Whitworth White Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, but declined to provide further details on what he described as “a sensitive matter.”Police had sought to locate the woman and two others after receiving a complaint about Facebook comments they had allegedly made about President Granger and African Guyanese.But in a statement sent out to media houses,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, one of the individuals, who says he is a Canada-based Guyanese, has denied posting the comments attributed to him.“I observed on Facebook and Guyana’s mainstream media many attempts to smear my character by linking me to an uncivilized Facebook thread containing racial incitement, nudity and incendiary rhetoric with threats on the life of Guyanese, inclusive of President David Granger,” he said.“I arrived at the conclusion of the attempts to implicate me because my photographs were taken from my authentic Facebook profile and imported into the contentious post on social media.  I can with complete confidence say that the particular fake profile bearing a similar name to mine is no way connected to me.”Crime Chief Blanhum has said that the perpetrators could be charged under the Racial Hostility Act for attempting “to incite excitement,Nike Browns #55 Alex Mack Black 2016 Pro Bowl Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, hostility or ill-will on grounds of race.”Chapter 23 of the Act states that a person shall be guilty of an offence if he willfully excites or  attempts  to  excite  hostility  or  ill-will  against  any  section  of  the public or against any person on the grounds of their or his race,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, by means of words spoken by him in a public place or spoken  by  him  and  transmitted  for  general  reception  by wireless telegraphy or telegraph; or by  causing  words  spoken  by  him  or  by  some  other person to be reproduced in a public place from a record; or  by  means  of  written  (including  printed)  matter or pictorial matter published by him.Any person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $65,Nike Panthers #70 Trai Turner Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey,000 and to imprisonment for two years.

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