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As the May 11 polling day nears, political parties are in overdrive mode to attract votes.Yesterday the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) placed particular emphasis on the youths when it held a Press Conference at its Robb Street, Georgetown, Freedom House Headquarters.The “youthful” faces of the PPP/C at yesterday’s press conference.The forum was moderated by former Miss Guyana/Universe, now PPP/C supporter, Olive Gopaul. Calling it “exciting developments within the party”, Gopaul told a gathering of media operatives that the party has been benefiting from an influx of talented and reputable individuals who are embracing progress under the PPP/C Government. “As we look around we see all new faces, all youthful faces; I have two gentlemen here and I’m sure that they fall under the bracket of being youthful too,” said Gopaul as she broke out in a hearty chuckle.And this was with good reason too as among those who flanked her were two gentlemen who weren’t remotely youthful – ‘on gain,cheap jerseys wholesale, off-again, currently on-again’ PPP/C supporter, Peter Ramsaroop, and new Alliance for Change (AFC) detractor, Sixtus Edwards. Both men are each more than half a century old.A very vocal Ramsaroop didn’t waste time to make it clear that although he had been a critic of the party, with a focus mainly on economic issues, he was invited by President Donald Ramotar to join forces with the PPP/C.  He seemed particularly confident that the President is serious about dealing with corruption. In response to a question from this publication about reports linking the ruling party to corruption,cheap nfl jerseys authentic, Ramsaroop said that the fact that the President has invited him on board “ means that he is saying to all of us if we see it (corruption) tell him and if he can prove it he will fix it…”He in alluding to progress made under the PPP/C regime, and plans to continue along this path, added that “we have got to continue and we have got to change within and we have all got to contribute to that change.”Edwards, on the other hand, pointed out that his move to support the party was not because of a fallout with the AFC, but simply because “I want to continue serving the people of this country…” He in his ever noticeable St Lucian accent claimed to be the architect of the (AFC) party, but added,cheap nfl jerseys store, that he was forced to sever ties since the principles on which the party was formed had degenerated.  He asserted that the AFC was one designed to give an alternative to the youths of the land but noted that, that agenda has since changed. “I decided to move on,” he quipped.“We had a principle…But I realised that I made a mistake because those core values and principles (have) left the AFC. It has taken another path,wholesale nfl jerseys, I would say not only (is there) cronyism within the party but they have gone in the direction to get power,cheapjerseys.com, not to look after the people’s interest…”Observers could very well conclude that it was to ensure that he too doesn’t become burdened with the desire for power that Edwards did the noble thing of gravitating to the PPP/C. But that’s left to be seen.Among the actual new youthful faces of the PPP/C on showcase yesterday was yet another detractor in the person of Africo Selman, who hadn’t many good things to speak of her former party. It was interesting to hear Selman, who said she is a teacher by profession, make special effort to label Presidential candidate of the APNU+AFC alliance, David Granger,cheap jerseys outlet, as a weak leader while at the same time, praising former People’s National Congress/Reform leader,nfl jerseys china, Robert Corbin, as excellent.The possibility exists that some PPP/C members are wondering if they are already being graded by the teacher. Aside from Selman and Gopaul, the other members who are now included in the youthful arm of the party is yet another beauty queen, Roshnie Boodhoo, and Sarah Brown, who especially sought to highlight her hinterland origins by underscoring that Government has certainly not trained its attention on only the capital city.But based on Gopaul’s disclosure,cheapnfljerseys.cc, it hasn’t been a simple task for the “youthful” supporters of the PPP/C. “Several of the new faces…who have endorsed the PPP/C for the General and Regional Elections have come under severe criticisms. I myself have come under severe criticism for being associated with and for supporting the party,cheapjerseys.us,” said a despondent Gopaul.

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