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[PS3] Wholesale China Jerseys bjysslwp









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發表於 2017-1-16 08:27:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Shizi got a fright, quickly absorbed in three holes to pay attention to the changes in the hole.
He suddenly remembered that body each within the acupuncture points, with some negative force and concentration of Yin beads, he did not think of negative force will and Yin bead repel each other.
Within three acupuncture points.
Curling negative force, into light color white band, slowly cohesion.
Three of Yin bead a fall into acupuncture points, the negative forces entangled up immediately, incredibly bully to will Yin Yin force within the bead pull out, a deputy to the Yin bead the decomposition of the again tonight.
However, Yin bead is after all a huge amount and Mr Yin qi, after being repeatedly to form the Yin force fine yuan! And three acupuncture points within the negative force, although very high-handed evil, but the number is much in a big way.
Above these days, and it absorb a lot of negative force, but the  negative force, but he was scattered in separate overflow in acupuncture points.
His body acupuncture points, a total of seven hundred and twenty, the three acupuncture points to the negative force natural limited.
Therefore, three acupuncture points within the negative force although together attack, but because the power shortage, always can’t win Yin bead, difficult to Yin Yin force within the bead divided again.
Yin bead seems to know that these negative breath tough, hang on his site, not with the negative force ke is death.
Gradually, he acupuncture points of the negative forces in and Yin bead, no longer blindly fight.
With more and more into the swirl of Yin qi Yin, and 3 new Yin bead, to the center of the swirl in Yin would slowly come out……
In this way, the previous three star within the acupuncture points into Yin bead, seems to get the again reinforcements, have already gone into acupuncture points within the 3 Yin bead, slowly in the acupuncture points up within the initiative.
Is the first overbearing negative force, because not continue to complement, had to a corner of the condensed in acupuncture points down, no longer continue to insurrection.
Yin bead seems to know not to eliminate the negative force, in those  negative force to keep quiet after, Yin bead began to release the thick Yin qi, and acupuncture points to three star outside forming new Yin bead in joined together are enraged.
Depending on the body in et, sharp perceived in the change of Yin bead acupuncture points, Yin bead and those found negative force already live together peacefully, did he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, continue to swirl burstling Yin, absorb more of the heaven and earth are enraged.
Above the head, three yunshan general vortex, continue crazy absorption enraged heaven and earth.
In the dark away at the essay, suddenly show the first sunshine!
Enveloped in off to vanity one thousand essay the Yin qi, the head of the three yunshan albitite vortex crazy sucking it to the edge of the dry up!
Yin cold absolutely yinping, because the sun infuse, become slowly warm up.
More from the sun, and the sun shines down and shot in the in the land who plants and monster beast’s body.
The skeletons of unusual plant, in the sunshine gradually wither, soon collapse collapse of soft down flat.
Many monster beast crazy growled, rejects the ground in essay run fast, to the exclusion of all of the outer rushed toward the dead swamp.
“Yi!”Left the cracked, “these plants, the monster beast was afraid of sunshine?”
Off the essay plant, is born because of heaven and earth and Yin qi, they have to adapt to the environment of the here and now are enraged heaven and earth disappear, never contact with sunlight them, natural is not adapted for, can only have to die. “WuYunLian explained.
“The monster beast?”
“Is the same life. Here the monster beast, snorting Yin qi, they body of uniting enraged by nature, like a cool too heavy, don’t like the sun shine. So a found sun, only to return here to peripheral swamp fled, at least there is toxic miasma can cover cloak, also have a tree shade, outdoor exposure than it is now.”
“Say so,Wholesale Los Angeles Kings Jerseys, nine snake before affected?”
“Really.” WuYunLian one leng, not looking toward the snake  before nine.
Indeed as expected.
The hot sun shines, nine of the snake that spewing Yin qi before three debts, appear weak.
In the heart of god only yan summer bombarded ranges,Wholesale Cincinnati Reds Jerseys, the three head can only dodge, did not have the strength to the.
The two tall, strong of the big fellow, have been concerned look at summer heart yan, at this time,MLB Jerseys China, the two talents breathed a sigh of relief.
One of them back into the far above one eye, frowned and whispered: “it lost that guy, is not he will heaven and earth five fingers kso trek absorbed into such, let enraged away to reveal the sun, the essay the nine before the snake is still really difficult to deal with.”

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