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發表於 2017-1-16 20:23:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force says it is vigorously investigating the allegations leveled against ranks from one of its Anti Crime units,Chile Jersey, who are accused of pilfering a quantity of raw gold from a Brazilian miner.The police said that the file on the matter has been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice.A source close to the Brazilian miner had expressed disappointment at what he described as the callous nature of the investigation into the matter.The source had also questioned the fact that the ranks were back at work.There was also concern over the reluctance of the investigators to search the homes of the policemen as well as the lukewarm effort to contact the goldsmith who the woman (who was allegedly given two ounces of the stolen gold to keep in her home initially) claimed she gave her portion to.But in a press release issued on Wednesday,Gerardo Flores Mexico Jersey, the police stated that this matter has been thoroughly investigated and the file has been forwarded to the DPP for legal advice.In the mean time,Carlos Pena Mexico Jersey, the three ranks implicated in the matter and who were under close arrest at the Tactical Services Unit (TSU),Diego Reyes Mexico Jersey, have since been placed under open arrest.“While under open arrest the ranks are required to perform duties and they are currently doing so at the TSU.They are not performing duties in West Demerara,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey,” the police explained.The force added that the homes of the ranks involved have been searched but nothing of evidential value was found.No contact has been made with the goldsmith whom the woman allegedly gave a part of the gold given to her,Candido Ramirez Mexico Jersey, because she has not positively identified him to the police either by name,Gaston Ramirez Uruguay Jersey, address or description.According to the police,Enrique Esqueda Mexico Jersey, the woman has indicated to investigators that this goldsmith sells at the Parika Market on Sundays and consequently several goldsmiths operating at the Parika Market have been questioned,Egidio Arevalo Rios Uruguay Jersey, but were not found to be linked to the matter.

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