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[PS3] Wholesale Jerseys “With the awareness and sensitization sessions









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“We live in turbulent times. Times when the very fabric of our society is being threatened by forces that can be classified as animalistic and barbaric,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, it seems like we have lost our basic human instinct to love and be compassionate.”This is according to Reverend Patrick Findlay,Cheap Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, of Men’s Affairs Bureau (MAB). He made those remarks on Friday at the opening ceremony 16-day period of activism focusing on challenges facing women. The function was held at the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.It comes at a time when violence against women is a growing dilemma not only in Guyana but around the world.Findlay emphasised that the upcoming days should serve to remind citizens of the atrocities meted out to women and girls in Guyana and across the world. It is understood by all involved that one of the main reasons for violence against women and girls is the perception that women and girls are not on the same level with men folk.However,Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, the MAB has been working through its ‘No More Black and Blue Campaign’ to eliminate violence against women. The programme is aimed at teaching men how to deal with issues of frustration and anger.Interactions with men across the country have revealed that some men are stuck in their ways because of their socialization,Cheap Houston Texans Jerseys, but are willing to make changes in small doses.Findlay added that the activism’s theme ‘Youth leadership in preventing and ending violence against women and girls’ is a phenomenal idea.“We believe that to stem the tide of violence against women and girls,Cheap Jerseys, we must let the youths understand that the gender agenda can be changed and must be changed. We don’t have to continue to practice something that is causing pain and discrimination to human beings,Cheap Green Bay Packers Jerseys,” Findlay stated.For the year,Cheap France Soccer Jerseys, the organization has engaged over 12,000 youths in different parts of the country about gender based violence and tips on changing the mindset regarding women and girls.He asserted,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “With the awareness and sensitization sessions, and in some cases workshops,Cheap Spain Soccer Jerseys, we have found a thirsting for more information and a willingness to embrace the ideology that women and girls are more than sex objects and servants.”He added that young men need to understand that women and girls are partners and are intelligent and equal. They respond better to affection than anything else.

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