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Maglietta Roma Bambino trbpwe4n









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發表於 2019-1-30 15:39:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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..Ramotar says he will be no ‘superman’ in fighting corruptionThe incumbent People’s Progressive Party (PPP/C) looks to pull in a “bigger majority” of votes in general elections tomorrow in the hope of continuing its 19-year control of the government and the 65-seat legislature.The party has expressed confidence that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) would be able to execute the elections without any major hiccups.Yesterday, the party’s Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar, and his running mate Samuel Hinds, said the fact that the campaign are being run smoothly provides the groundwork for peaceful,Fc Bayern Trikot Champions League, free and fair elections.For Hinds, an indication of this comes simply from the fact that utility poles are plastered with campaign material of all the parties and the fact that less of these were torn down.“I see this as a celebration of our democracy,” Ramotar said at the party’s Freedom House headquarters in Georgetown.The last general elections, in 2006, were hailed as the only non-violent elections in the post-independent Guyana. Mr Hinds said that he was looking forward to an election of “the type” of 2006, or even more peaceful.Ramotar credited the calm of the elections period to a Final Voters’ List that was scrutinized and cleaned up with the input of all political parties and other stakeholders.“A clean list is the heart of any free and fair election,” Ramotar said.The PPP/C’s confidence of a fifth consecutive victory at the polls lies in a hard fought campaign and its record in office.He said that the average annual growth of five percent is a remarkable achievement. Further, Ramotar said that that the PPP/C is seeking reelection from a very realistic manifesto and not some “pie in the sky” plan.He reiterated that if he is elected President, he would seek to root out corruption by strengthening national institutions.He said that he would seek very early to establish the Procurement Commission and give the Integrity Commission more resources, and more ‘clout.’But Ramotar said that he would be no ‘superman’ in fighting corruption. He said that investigations would be done where things look ‘funny.’But more than policing, he said fighting corruption must also be a moral issue.‘We have to develop an intolerance for it,” Ramotar declared.

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