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Cheap NFL Jerseys this is it”. I began to pray









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發表於 2017-1-20 19:30:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– taxi stolen, former cop among four held A 28-year-old taxi driver survived two gunshot wounds from a bandit who relieved him of his Toyota Carina 212 motor car on Saturday night.Kerwin Morris, of 37 Victory Valley Linden, is presently a patient at the High Dependency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, nursing a bullet wound to his chest and a graze to the right side of his head.The assailant was a passenger whom Morris had picked up in the mining town.Speaking to this newspaper from his hospital bed, Morris said that after picking up the passenger,Nike Rams #99 Aaron Donald Royal Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, at about 21:00 hours, he was requested to stop at a location near Bamia on the Linden/Soesdyke highway.The passenger got out of the car and muttered for Morris to assist him to collect a parcel, while walking through a dark trail.After waiting for several minutes in his car, Morris came out and followed in the direction in which the passenger had gone.It was while in the track that things began to unravel.According to Morris, the passenger, whom he believes was definitely after his car, pulled out a gun and shot him in his chest.The wounded taxi driver,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, however, managed to grab unto his assailant and a frantic scuffle ensued,Pistons #0 Andre Drummond Navy Stitched NBA Jersey, during which another round was discharged, this time grazing Morris on the right side of his head.“I said, “Well, this is it”. I began to pray,Wholesale New York Yankees Jerseys,” Morris told this newspaper.When he fell, his assailant entered his car and drove away.The badly injured Morris, with blood flowing from the two wounds, made it back to the roadway and tried stopping several vehicles, none of which stopped to render assistance.Fortunately,Wholesale Real Madrid Jerseys, the assailant did not take away his cellular phone, and Morris used this to call 911 for assistance.Help arrived about 30 minutes later,Nike Eagles #91 Fletcher Cox Black Mens Stitched NFL Elite Pro Line Gold Collection Jersey, and he was taken to the Mackenzie Hospital, from where he was transferred to the city.His condition is stable,Cheap Jerseys From China, but according to information reaching this newspaper, one of the bullets is still lodged in his chest.Morris’s mother, Ann Morris, told this newspaper that she learnt about her son’s misfortune from a neighbour who had returned from the city.She recalled that the neighbour told her that he had noticed someone ‘flagging’ him down on the highway,Wholesale USA Soccer Jerseys, and although he suspected that it might have been Morris, he was reluctant to stop at that location.She said that she immediately called Morris’s wife to enquire if he was at home.When she got a negative answer, she immediately made arrangements to get assistance to him.But by then Morris had already been picked up.A police press release stated that the car has not yet been recovered, but a suspect and three other persons are in custody.Among them is a former policeman.However,Nike Steelers #11 Markus Wheaton White Mens NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey, this newspaper understands that the suspect was intercepted while heading to Suriname.Investigations are continuing.

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