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National Milling Company (NAMILCO) has introduced three new products as part of its “Maid Marian Range”. These are Whole Wheat Flour, Multigrain Flour and Toasted Wheat Germ. This ‘Health Line’ of products was developed, the company emphasizes, with the health of the customer in mind.Many consumers are only familiar with white flour, which is produced by removing over 25% of the outer layer of the wheat grain and milling the remainder. This outer layer comprises an excellent source of essential nutrients, and goes to animal feed. As a result NAMILCO adds back the vitamins and minerals lost in the milling process to make white flour.With more and more consumers becoming health conscious and with the increasing evidence of cardio vascular diseases, the demand for foods high in fibre and containing vital vitamins and minerals is increasing. NAMILCO notes that it has recognised this demand, and rather than consumers paying high prices for imported supplements and health foods, they decided to offer this “Health Line” of products at a very affordable cost.Whole Wheat Flour is made from all three parts of the wheat grain – the bran, germ and endosperm.This flour contains beneficial phytochemicals and antioxidants and is a good source of B vitamins, Vitamin E, magnesium,Los Angeles Kings Jerseys China, iron and fibre. It is an essential part of a healthy diet!Multigrain Flour is a combination of wheat flour and 8 types of grains, which give a hearty texture and wonderful taste to recipes, especially baked goods.The grains are wheat, rye, corn, barley, oats, sesame, millet and flax, all of which bring their own nutritional benefits.Toasted Wheat Germ is considered one of the top 10 healthiest foods to include in one’s diet,Wholesale Cincinnati Reds Jerseys, Toasted Wheat Germ can be used in many ways. It has a nutty, slightly sweet flavour and is delicious sprinkled over foods such as cereals, yoghurt, salads, soups,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, vegetables and desserts and added to recipes including casseroles,Cincinnati Reds Jerseys China, bread, pastry, scones and crumbles.In addition to the three Health Line products,Houston Rockets Jerseys China, NAMILCO has also added another specialty flour to the Maid Marian Range and this is Italian Pesto Mix. This gourmet product is ideal for making bread, sadha roti, savoury pastry dishes and pancakes. White flour is combined with minced garlic,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, dried Romano and Parmesan cheeses, basil and parsley to create this aromatic mix.National Milling is also emphasizing to consumers the importance of storing all these newly introduced flour products properly to keep them fresh. An open packet should be kept in an airtight container preferably in the refrigerator.In addition,NHL Jerseys China, NAMILCO’s creamed wheat products have been re-released under their new name “Creamed Wheat-Up”. This was necessary due to brand name registration issues. It is the same great product, according to the company, “same look packaging with just a small name change”.NAMILCO added in a press release that its flour products are enriched with certain vitamins and minerals during the milling process as the company recognises the importance of these nutrients to the health of the Guyanese people.These are Thiamin (B1),Wholesale Denver Broncos Jerseys, Riboflavin (B2), Niacin,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, AscorbicAcid (vitamin C) and Iron and FolicAcid.“Flour has come a long way in Guyana since the days of un-marked bags.These new NAMILCO products are not only a step forward in assured quality and consumer safety, but they offer health benefits and variety in our daily diets which make for a better quality of life for us all.With these products housewives can use their imagination to produce a variety of healthy, delicious dishes combining the Pesto Mix with one or more of the Health Line products–the possibilities are endless,” the release concluded.

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