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“We are willing to assist with any textbooks …just tell us.”- Commander ‘B’ Division By Leon SuseranThe Joint Services recently presented cash prizes to several outstanding students of Angoy’s Avenue,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, New Amsterdam.Commander of ‘B’ Division,Wholesale Jerseys, Assistant Commissioner Brian Joseph pledged the force’s future support to the community. Angoy’s Avenue has long been a crime and drug hot- spot in the New Amsterdam area. It is Guyana’s largest squatter settlement.But the senior officers representing the Joint Services made it clear that when the citizens of a town or village perform well, the entire community must celebrate. Mr. Joseph stated that he used to be afraid to come into Angoy’s Avenue as a little boy. “Given the initiatives by the Commissioner of Police,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, we are willing to engage any community to develop the youths and we want to work with you.”Composite photos: Senior Joint Services ranks and top students of Angoy’s Avenue and their parents after the presentation and SFC members, erecting the play- field sign.He noted that the joint services will continue to work “hand-in- gloves to develop this area.”Mr. Joseph said that people must see the ‘softer’ side of the police force, which is not only about “locking up people.”“We are willing to assist with any textbooks …just tell us.”Officer-in-Charge of the Guyana Fire Service (GFS),Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, Mr. Compton Sparman alluded to a similar kind of development in Albouystown, from which he hails. “Youths are going astray and we must bring them back.” He noted that once he is in charge of ‘B’ Division, “and you call for any assistance, I will be readily available!”“Fire speaks of disaster and we don’t want only to come [into Angoy’s Avenue] when there is disaster—we want to come in peace time.”He congratulated the successful students and awardees. He urged them to practice commitment. “If you are not committed to whatever you want,Wholesale China Jerseys, then there are serious consequences.”Chairman of the Safe Neighbourhood Council of Angoy’s Avenue,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Mr. Indranauth Persaud, stated that the body has been overseeing projects in the fields of health, education, sports and social services in the depressed community.The members have also been working with the Peace Council. “The thing about Angoy’s Avenue in times past is that this place was depressed—but I would like to notify the public that Angoy’s Avenue has shifted in two months’ time; with the help of the Police, Prisons and Fire Service, Republic Bank, as well as Banks DIH,Wholesale Jerseys China, things have moved rapidly.”Community Action Officer, Mr. Philip Rose, said that the SNC was a brainchild of Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee. “We have become a vehicle of that safe neighbourhood initiative.” He added that a safe neighbourhood is one in which people and organizations come together to reduce injuries and promote safety and well- being to all its citizens.The students who benefitted were Ms. Kelly- Ann Sulker who attained ten subjects at the CSEC Exams; Mr. Chris Sears; Ms. Ophelia Junor; and Lavina Sukhnandan. “This is enough to know exactly what is taking place in Angoy’s Avenue.”Banks DIH came on board to beautify the community by donating several palm trees that have been positioned in such a way that they line the road along the play- field. The company’s Berbice Branch also donated and erected a sign for the play- field.The Joint Services donated several pairs of desks and benches to the Smythfield Drop- in Centre. Ms. Simone Dainty, a counselor attached to the centre, received the equipment on behalf of the residents. Mr. Joshua Torrezao, Sales Manager of Banks DIH, also pledged Banks DIH’s commitment to further develop Angoy’s Avenue.

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