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[游泳] NFL Jerseys China vipz2sme









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2019-2-7 00:58:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A prisoner of the Cove and John Police Station who was suspected to have escaped from the lockups has alleged that he paid a rank $1,000 on Sunday evening last for his freedom. But, his liberty was short-lived as his father turned him over to the cops the next day.On Sunday evening, the prisoner who was in custody at the station was positively identified as a member of a gang who viciously attacked eight young men the previous night in front of a nightspot in Greenfield, East Coast Demerara.The following morning, ranks who turned up to take over station duties were of the impression that the prisoner had escaped when it was discovered that he was missing from the lockups. However, attempts to contact the rank who was on duty the night before were futile and he has since not reported for duty.The prisoner, who turned up at the station with his father on Monday evening, told cops that he had paid the rank $1,000 to leave the station and dismissed any doubts that he had escaped.Meanwhile, the victims, who are still nursing wounds,Cheap Jerseys, are peeved that most of their attackers are on the loose. They believe that ranks are taking the incident lightly, and they are suspicious that the gang members may have connections with the police.According to one of the victims, on Saturday night following the brutal fight and chase that started at Greenfield and ended at Ann’s Grove seawall, the police were contacted. One teenager who had stitches above his nose bridge said that he and one of the eight attackers had attended primary school together. But, that did not spare him from getting a sound thrashing.“I seh is me Asif… me and you went primary school together, but he ignore me and tek a fat piece steel rod and beat me pon me two foot…They beat me up on my face and broadside my back…when dem finish my friends had to drag me from a swamp by the seawall and carry me to the Mahaicony Hospital.”“I  was unable to defend myself…dem other boys too…we couldn’t do anything to help ourselves because dem man had cutlass, ice pick and a thick piece steel rod…we only had we hand fuh block and foot fuh run,” the teenager said.He is hoping that the police would be quick in arresting his assailants since the men are known trouble makers. He said that he and his friends did nothing to deserve the cruel attack. In fact, the origin of the attack is a mystery to the victims since they claimed they did not trouble the men.However, another victim said he may have an idea as to what triggered the chaos. He related that after playing a game of pools in Bee Hive, his friends decided to go to a nightspot at neighbouring village, Greenfield. As he was crossing the bridge that links the two villages, the wheel of the bicycle wobbled and he fell beside a man who was standing near the bridge.“He ask me if I wan fight and I seh no I ain’t want fight, and he still want rush up and start cussing up… Anyway my friends come and we make peace before we leave,” he said.The young men thought that was the end of the incident and continued their journey to the Greenfield nightspot. Whilst standing outside the nightspot the young men were attacked by eight men who arrived in two cars.In an effort to escape the blows, the young men fled in the direction of the Ann’s Grove seawall. There they scattered in groups to get away from the men who were trailing in vehicles. At the seawall the young men received a sound thrashing and their assailants eventually left them.

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