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發表於 2017-1-21 09:04:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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(By Mondale Smith)Two brothers have been arrested following the stabbing death of an obviously well loved fishing colleague some twenty miles out in the Atlantic Ocean.The two brothers (sitting) who were taken into custody. Ronald Emanuel Reid (Inset)Yesterday,T.J. Oshie Capitals Jersey, pandemonium broke out amongst fisher folk as the vessel transporting the body of Ronald Emanuel Reid,Andrei Markov Canadiens Jersey, 27 years docked at the Meadow Bank Wharf. Women and men shed tears and spoke only positive things about the dead man while hurling threats at his killer and accomplice, who were all onboard.The vessel had been at sea for 14 days and Reid of Lot 25 Castello Housing Scheme was one of the six man crew aboard.Ram Kumar the vessel’s captain said the stabbing occurred on Tuesday at about 14:30hrs while the fishing boat was off the Lichfield Foreshore, West Coast Berbice.“This was my first trip with Emanuel and the guy is a pleasant chap but somehow he and them fellas didn’t agreeing at all,” Ram Kumar said.According to the police, investigations have revealed that Ronald Emanuel Reid was involved in an argument with the two brothers during which he was fatally stabbed to his back.“I juck he,Larry Murphy Penguins Jersey,” admitted an unapologetic Gregory Nahar 39, while his brother Ray, 42, confessed to holding Reid in a chokehold while his brother delivered the fatal blow.They alleged that “Reid and the Captain as well as another other crew member were smoking and after the weed finished, they get hysterical and started troubling we.”The captain strongly denied the allegation and labeled the two brothers as “The real junkies who started acting weird after a few days at sea.”Another crew member who witnessed the incident said, “For the entire trip, the two brothers and Emanuel were picking at each other.” He noted that “Emanuel asked them to let the story end but dem didn’t stopping.”  Both the captain and other crew members related seeing Gregory Nahar run after Reid with a knife.“Then Ray brackled Reid and Gregory push the long knife in he back,Darren Helm Red Wings Jersey,” one fisherman said.The captain said he believes that the killing was premeditated since,Brooks Laich Capitals Jersey, “The killer called their family and tell them to come to the Meadow Bank wharf cause they coming home and lil after that they brackle the man.”Brian Reid, who broke down upon seeing his eldest son’s body questioned,Stanley Cup Canadiens Jersey, “How y’all could kill me son, buddy? Me son is a peaceful chap plus now what he girl gonna do?”Reid’s distraught girlfriend Shonele, who is currently two months pregnant, said that he was the main breadwinner for his extended household.So infuriated were those who knew Reid that as soon as they got word of the killing,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, they flocked the Police Maritime Wharf at Ruimveldt and also the Meadow Bank wharf.When the boat docked,Derick Brassard Rangers Jersey, shouts of “murderers”,Marc Staal Rangers Jersey, “dem is killers” erupted.One fisherman even whipped out a knife and advanced in the direction of the two handcuffed suspects. However none of his attempts to injure the self confessed murderer and his brother were successful as ranks wrestled the emotionally charged man to the ground.The two brothers are cooperating with investigators who have already taken statements from the rest of the crew. The suspects could make a court appearance as early as tomorrow.

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