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– GWI Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has put measures in place to help consumers get greater access to billing inquires and options to make bill payments, through their customer outreach programme that they call “community connect”.Recently GWI conducted its exercise in the community of Cane Grove,China Jerseys, Mahaica offering customers, who are unable to travel to the local GWI office at Bachelor’s Adventure,Air Max 90 Pas Cher Destockage, the opportunity to make water service payments, query outstanding bills, report leaks and apply for new service connections.  In excess of 400 customers visited the GWI Community Connect booth stationed within the local NDC office with the majority making payments towards their service charges.A similar outreach activity was conducted earlier in August in the Bareroot Community,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, East Coast Demerara with in excess of 300 GWI customers in attendance.  This activity also received positive feedback from customers who indicated that it was convenient to have GWI officials in the community to address complaints and queries from customers.During these outreach activities,Cheap Air Max 90, GWI customer service representatives also conducted door-to-door visits reminding customers about overdue bill payments and querying about the quality of their service.  ‘Our objective is to avoid disconnecting any customer’s service for non-payment,Camiseta Real Madrid Tienda,’ ‘we are reaching out to as many customers as possible in areas where revenue collection is low to ensure customers have the opportunity to make payments and avoid service disconnection’.  Stated the Chief Executive Shaik Baksh,The utility’s country-wide disconnection campaign continues indefinitely as customers with any outstanding arrears are urged to make payments to avoid service disconnection.  The campaign also targets customers with illegal connections and those who reconnect their service after disconnection.  GWI has commenced removing the entire service connection of repeat offenders who have consistently reconnected their service connections.  Customers with large arrears can access ‘GWI’s Wallet-Friendly Payment Plans’ at Community Connect events to help them formulate a payback plan that as the name implies would be less taxing on them financially.The Chief Executive Officer Shaik Baksh urged customers, especially in rural areas, to attend all future community connect activities which are scheduled for East Bank Demerara,Fjallraven Kanken Backpack Sale, Berbice,Cheap Nike NBA Jerseys, West Coast Demerara and Linden.  Customers attending will have access to all the services available at GWI customer services locations as Community Connect is intended to function as a mobile GWI office providing customers with added convenience.

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