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New Amsterdam, Berbice- A cocktail reception was held at State House in New Amsterdam Monday evening. The guest of honour was newly- elected president of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) Mr Colin Bynoe.The event was held under the auspices of the Regional Administration of Region Six, an idea touted a few weeks ago by Regional Chairman Mr Zulfikar Mustapha. Several high- level officials from the region and State were present at the gathering, among them Minister of Agriculture Mr Robert Persaud.Regional Chairman Mustapha congratulated Bynoe on his accession to the presidency of the teachers’ union.“I officially congratulate our colleague and this son of the soil on his ascendance to the presidency. Colin has all the qualities to offer to the GTU,” he stated.NCN Coordinator in Berbice, Mr Faizal Jafarally, said that Mr Bynoe is one who understands the education sector and who was convinced that teachers’ performance across Guyana,Wholesale Jerseys China, particularly in Berbice, would be enhanced.Minster Persaud said, “Far too often we allow our achievements to go unnoticed. I thank the RDC for organizing this event. He [Bynoe] always put community and issues above partisan agendas. Partisan policies must not be the agenda of politicians”.Persaud spoke about the huge amounts of money being allocated each year in the national budget towards education and about the government’s sterling commitment to education in Guyana, especially in Berbice.He said that employers and employees will always have differences. He posited, though, that this dynamic of difference can be positively harnessed, and at the end of the day, children of Guyana must be educated.After a toast was offered to the new GTU president, Mr Bynoe addressed his well-wishers and those present. “I thank the Regional Chairman and team for putting together this event tonight. This is testimony of how much they believe in me. I must show my gratitude to them. It is no easy task—the presidency,” he stated.Bynoe said that he never condoned wrongdoing by teachers, since he held the position of Regional Vice- President of GTU of Region Six for quite a number of years, and that he does not intend to condone wrongdoing now that he is elected to the presidency.“I will silently tell a teacher what (he or she) doing is wrong and if that person does not listen, I will be louder the next time,” he said. “We all have to put our shoulders to the wheel. If you stand up to your responsibilities, the rights will follow.”Bynoe was convinced that teachers in Guyana have a huge role to play in passing along vital information to their students about the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). “The Ministry of Education has to ensure we [teachers] come on board so we can spread the message clearly. GTU has a part to play in the LCDS.”Bynoe stated that his campaign was grounded in the principles of morality and professionalism. He believes that he can harness assistance and support from numerous past GTU executives, some of whom are Berbicians. He waits that time when the GTU can proudly fly its flag in the Caribbean.His wife, Maureen Bynoe, said that she saw courage and diligence in the eyes of her husband while he campaigned for the position he so diligently pursued. “He has the best person on whom he can depend—me, and the Heavenly Father, of course”, Mrs Bynoe said.Chairperson of the Regional Education Committee, David Armogan, who worked with Bynoe for some decades now, said, “I always found Colin to be an affable person. He has always shown respect for authority. I hope these good characteristics will continue. He’s a seasoned campaigner. He has much experience. Colin can ensure there is justice for teachers and also justice for the [teaching/education] system”.Mr Bynoe was sworn in a few days ago in Georgetown to be the president of the Guyana Teachers’ Union for the period 2010-2012, succeeding Mrs Genevieve Allen. He joins a long list of Berbicians who held the presidency in years past, namely the late Sydney Murdoch, Ansel Hazel, among many others.Portions of the gathering that evening at the gala included family and friends of Mr Bynoe, well-wishers, educators in the teaching profession and University of Guyana Berbice Campus, GTU executive member Lancelot Baptiste, Education Officer of Secondary Schools in Region Six, Bashir Khan, officials of the Department of Education Region Six, among numerous special invitees and guests.(Leon Suseran)

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