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發表於 2019-2-12 18:17:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The partially decomposed body of 93-year old Olive Thomas was yesterday morning found at her 279 Freeman Street, East La Penitence residence.Thomas’s body was discovered around 7:10 hrs in a bedroom of her two bedroom house, lying face down by her bedside. Relatives are speculating that the woman was sitting on the bed and fell forward.The elderly woman was living alone since her son Owen Jordan died last year June. The state of her body suggested that she has been dead for some time. Thomas was mother to two who are both dead.The body of one of her children, Owen Jordan was also found in the house where it had remained with the elderly woman for a week.The woman,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, back then,Cheap Jerseys From China, had told investigators that she had no idea her son was in the house much less dead.Her son,Wholesale Jerseys From China, she said, had been complaining about an injury to the foot and had gone to a city hospital for treatment.Information reaching this newspaper stated that a friend had visited the East La Penitence home asking to see Jordan. However, Thomas indicated that he was not at home. The man, almost instantaneously, became aware of a strong stench coming from the house and left to go make contact with the police.On his way to the East La Penitence Police Station,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the friend stopped at the house of Jordan’s niece and informed her of his suspicion. The niece went to the house and discovered the decomposed body.Dead: Olive Thomas Four months after that discovery,Discount Nike NFL China Wholesale, this newspaper visited the woman who then seemed delusional. The woman strongly believed that her son was still alive and was coming back for her.  This newspaper understands that when he was alive, Jordan took care of his mother.A relative,Cheap Liverpool FC Jersey, then,Hydro Flask Sale Clearance, told this newspaper that she was incapable of taking care of herself and on numerous occasions almost caused a fire. However neighbours said that the statement was inaccurate.  The relative had called for the woman to be placed in a geriatric home. However, subsequent visits made by social workers proved that the woman could have taken care of herself.Thomas’s body was yesterday taken to Lyken’s Funeral Home.

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