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發表於 2017-1-21 10:58:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– awaiting completion of feasibility studiesA Trinidad company says it is awaiting the completion of a final feasibility to apply for a licence to develop a massive 800 megawatt hydropower project in the Mazaruni River.According to a statement posted on online news, ENMAN Services Limited of Port of Spain, Trinidad, on Friday expressed its pleasure that the governments of Guyana and Brazil have agreed to work jointly to stimulate infrastructure development in Guyana, thereby clearing the way for the Turtruba Hydropower project to proceed.On September 17, President Bharrat Jagdeo of Guyana and President Lula Da Silva of Brazil, met at the Takutu Bridge opening in the border town of Lethem, Guyana, and announced their support of infrastructure development that would provide much-needed energy and transport support to Guyana and north-western Brazil.“ENMAN Services entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Guyana on July 31, 2001, which gives it the exclusive right after completion of a final feasibility study to apply for a license to develop the Turtruba Hydropower Project – an 800-Megawatt hydropower development on the middle Mazaruni River in Guyana that would be a significant source of environmentally sustainable and clean climate electricity for the two countries,” the statement said.A fibre optic cable is included as part of the project under the Memorandum of Understanding. The project would be the most significant investment in Guyana in the country’s history and, once realised,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, would dramatically improve Guyana’s economic circumstances,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the statement said.“Since bringing forward this project and signing our Memorandum of Understanding with the Guyanese government, we have been working to bring together a strong development team for this important initiative,Discount NFL Jerseys,” said Donald Baldeosingh, Chairman and CEO of ENMAN Services. “With the support of both governments, we look forward to continuing to put together the private sector team.”Guyana’s President, Bharat Jagdeo,Nike NFL Jerseys China, had only a few days ago referred to that hydro project proposal and said that negotiations are underway.Another hydro project,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, the Amalia Falls project is expected to start by mid-next year,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Jagdeo also said last week.Currently, negotiations are underway and a key meeting is expected next month in Washington with the investors, Guyana government and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).Briefing the media at the Liliendaal’s International Conference Center, President Jagdeo had disclosed that the government is working closely with the investors to ensure that financing is secured within the next few months.He explained that this will come largely from equity of the investors, loans from multi-lateral institutions and from bilateral sources.A key aspect to jumpstart the project will be construction of access roads to the project site at Amalia Falls. This will advance the project schedule tremendously, Jagdeo had said.The roads and cutting of the path for transmission lines will cost an estimated US$25M and will be financed by loans.While Guyana will not be investing directly into the project, the government, through the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) will be committing to purchasing power that will be produced by the hydro project.(Leonard Gildarie)

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